Michigan has 500,000 more voter registrations than actual voters
— DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) October 19, 2024
But don’t worry, they say they’ll purge them *after* the 2024 election
This is such election rigging bullshit
They’re going to submit ballots in the names of those ghost registrations just like they did in 2020 https://t.co/hnvpLHIrVi
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its right in our faces and no one is holding these contemptable Pieces of Human garbage accountable. This demonrat party has made our nation a third world country. i will not obey nor adhere to anything these Cretans come up with in the way of phony laws anymore.
The company you keep…
Yes…they are going to cheat. And not even TRY to hide the cheating. Why would they. There Isn’t a damn thing we can do about it. At least nothing legal or peaceful. TINVOWOOT
Rope + Lamp Post = Healthy Constitutional Republic
Pitchfork and torches to accompany that rope and lamppost and trees.
Pouring hot tar and a bag of feathers on a person has an impact on their behavior as well!
This should disqualify Michigan from participating in the 2024 election. To willfully commit fraud to compromise voter integrity is a crime. The Supreme Court needs to step in immediately given the lateness of the hour.
sounds great on paper, but would nullify the election.
Honestly, other states should sue to disallow their electors in the election, until the voter rolls are cleaned up. Every other state in the nation is harmed by their decision to knowingly submit false ballots. See the supreme court sidestep that one.
They should be booted out of the election by the other 49 states until they get their shit together.
The bolsheviks are doing an exact repeat of the 2020 steal and the result will be the same; an illegitimate POTUS with not a peep from the bought and paid-for republicans. Why not steal the election? It’s not like anyone is going to do anything about it.
4 years ago, the cheating was plain to see and nothing was done about it. Yes there was some bitch and complaining, some lawsuits that got thrown out of the supreme court, and other state judges dismissed them as conspiracy theories. The big steal will happen again and the same thing all over again. The 2020 inauguration was cool looking got to stare at endless American flags in place of people and listen to the sleaze bag garth brooks