This meme will get you arrested in the UK.
— Fight With Memes (@fightwithmemes) August 24, 2024
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The Brits need to acquire proper weapons. Perhaps they can get them from the traitor police. Without permission.
American citizens own millions of personal, small arms; billions of rounds of ammunition. We have what you claim the Brits need. What good has that weaponry done for us ? NADA ! Without Americans being organized and HAVING THE WILL to oppose the traitor governments in today’s Amerika, that weaponry and ammo is useless. Certainly, the Brits need testicular fortitude as much as ARMED Americans do !
imo, the Armed American’s have forestalled All Out Bolshevik democRats from Martial lawlessnes. Just the Potential has slowed them from their Final Solution. Our self discipline has limits, 2024 into 2025 could be another 1775.
Si vis pacem para bellum
Also, in Germany yesterday, 3 dead and 9 wounded from a random stabbing attack. The Mayor of Solingen decided to throw a diversity celebration during the local anniversary of the city. No joke.
Yup. Schadenfreude! They buttered their bread, now these socialist cowards can eat it.
DtheW, how different from the Brits are Americans ? Socialist traitors ALL ! Americans have a traitor government that has facilitated the FOREIGN ATTACK, invaders, enemies numbering in the millions ! What have your “brave” Americans done to terminate the invaders and their corporate and .gov facilitators ? Answer me that.
It is not our time yet. Wait and see. We won’t be demonstrating in the streets. We know better. Bleib ubrig.
Venezuela’s Maduro Intensifies Repression | Eatgrueldog Maybe the time will come when we arrive at the gulag, where we can organize face to face.
Before the Gulag scenario, We fight.
2024/2025 for All the marbles. We are Gaining Recruits !!! Gaining popularity, Voters.
CWs are nasty affairs, undertaken As a last resort. Is waiting a few months too much to ask?
Organizing beyond squad level invites FIB and much can be done still on an individual basis as no one can be “fully” prepared.
Well, GenEarly we will see, nobody wants civil war it will be worse than we can imagine. If that happens I will have my own little Alamo.
The Alamo was a nice example of a defensive action.
While waiting hopefully for reinforcements to chase off the enemy.
Pity the American home isn’t anywhere as bullet proof and fire proof as the Alamo.
More like the Waco Siege results but less waiting on the Feds side.
Art sometimes imitates life. Go see the film: CHILDREN OF MEN. Somehow, I believe this film had the future of Perfidious Albion pegged. Life is a vale of tears.
Graphic Video: UK Man Stabbed in Neck By Migrant While Walking With Family
Why wasn’t the Perp shot ??? We/Me/You would have ended this attack terminally. Sucks to be a Brit, or a Libtarded ‘merican in a democRat state.
No he was arrested with two others.
Its hard to believe our forefathers came from some of that stock.
When are these Euros going to get fed up with the crime and take their country back?
they won’t, they have been swept into the WEF/NWO “borg.”
The John Birch society has been right all along.
You can ask the same question of our cowardly Americans….WHEN wll WE take OUR country back ?
Just be prepared to take Your Country back. All the best
The UK has fallen to the WEF/NWO. Time for the citizens to relearn the manufacturing of bows and arrows and crossbows!
We are not from that stock. After two world wars, generations of oppression, and a socialist revolution called the EU these poor souls are a conquered people. They ask where are the real men of Europe? I say they boarded the Mayflower and every other ship since. I feel only pity and sadness for the little brothers and sisters our ancestors left behind. Pray for them.
Perhaps your should spend your prayers on Americans using their gonads to do for America, what you pray the Brits would do for Great Britain.
This is the last interview Senator Larry McDonald, A couple of months later the soviets shot his plane down, everything he states is coming true.
Dave did you see the oner of Telegram has been arrested in France yesterday?
Seems his refusal (per the story) of giving intelligence agencies a back door has made him a target.
Kim Dotcom is saying clean up your telegram accounts.
I laugh at all the “secure communications” over the internet systems. Who built the internet? It was started to give American Military a nuclear attack resistant communications system.
Encoding is a computer power vs computer power. Ask Germany about the unbreakable Enigma when it was overpowered by the first computer.
Who owns the Supercomputers? Even the few that are in civilian hands are “joint efforts” between US Government and Researchers.
I saw Pavel’s arrest. I have discussed some topics with Kim Dotcom a few weeks ago. He is recommending crypto.
We really don’t have much time left: evil is backed into a corner here. Europe is done since their people are unarmed. Look at the censorship of Rumble in Europe. X is next.
David, I’m of mixed thoughts about Crypto. It requires grid power and the internet working to have value. Both outside my control AND well inside the Governments controls.
It requires faith that it has value. But then again so does the US Dollar. But so far, my taxes and Walmart doesn’t accept crypto.
Very few places I know actually accept silver and gold as payment in the west. When I was working overseas, I kept more than a few 10 carat gold wedding bands in case I needed a “All I have” “Gift” to local police for passage.
Gold in 3rd world works wonders. Trying to “gift” (not bribe, ahem) a gold coin would get you suspected as a smuggler and searched pretty vigorously.
As the Supercomputers are running, I suspect like Telegram and many other “secure” systems maybe Crypto isn’t as “Secure” and “Anonymous” as described.
What’s that IT meme? Only as secure as the weakest link?
I suspect the computing power of my smart phone and PC isn’t quite as powerful as the Supercomputers that our government owns or partners with.
No Internet, no crypto access. My business accepts gold and silver for payment but only two people paid in silver in ten years.
OK David. You accept gold and silver in your business.
Can we talk business here? When you accept silver in your business like my favorite “sports Store” does.
Do you pay your supplier in silver? Or do you sell that silver to a coin shop or such for American Dollars to buy supplies?
If you’re talking about the lumber sawmill business, do you buy the fuel-electricity and replacement parts with silver or sell it for American dollars?
While my local gasoline station will sell me fuel at current spot in PM’s he cannot buy more fuel with it yet.
Selling PM’s for dollars what you have to DO with Crypto to pay taxes here in my area or buy stuff at the Tractor Supply.
The basic working definition of money in my opinion is the ability for the Hospital to pay me for my services so I can buy the products or services of others.
So far Crypto and PM’s haven’t fulfilled the task.
Enigma is a fascinating story. One stolen machine covered up as being destroyed in a car crash changed the war in England and North Africa.
Honestly, since 1775 Why are we concerned about the Brits??? Ask yourself, War of 1812 ?
Bailed them out in WW 1 & 2 ? Other than some Anglo heritage, wtf?
We have Our own problems. Swim or Sink as far as I’m concerned. No one is coming to Help Us, including the oppreSSive Feral DC Coupist gov.