United States of Venezuela: How to Prepare for the Economic Collapse

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3 years ago

Slowly withdraw your money…couple hundred at a time…

Not So Free
Not So Free
3 years ago
Reply to  az1

Use odd amounts. Not the same day each week. etc.
Gotta watch the “structuring” laws..

3 years ago

So you withdraw your money and stockpile cash. Cash (federal reserve notes) are just pieces of worthless paper. Unless you convert to hard assets, you have changed a thing.

3 years ago
Reply to  Nones

the old adage of a wheelbarrow full of Marks left outside a store during the end of the Weimar Republic. owner came back to find someone had taken his wheelbarrow and had dumped the Marks. Tangibles, tangibles, tangibles.

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
3 years ago
Reply to  Nones

Cash will soon be disallowed. Bullets, however, will still have value.

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
3 years ago

It’s going to take more than just trying to skirt the new regulations. Eventually they will nail down every banking transaction and cash will evaporate. Only digital currency will be allowed. It’s going to take armed men and women with the guts to stand against these bastards with violence of action. I know that is not the Christian way but I refuse (even figuratively) to get on their trains. This new norm they are forcing on us will have to be earned the hard way. I hope these LEOs know what they’re in for.

3 years ago

It is highly unlikely that “Cash will be Banned” as a large part of the ‘governments’ own (criminal) Operations depends on Bushels of Benjamins.
If LeRoy can’t pay Rastus for a Dime Bag in Cash on a streetcorner in Baltimore, the Base of the Trillion-Dollar Drug Trade crumbles. (((bankers))) would Lose Profits. Won’t Happen. The mass of Illegal Aliens that are a key component of the communist destruction of the Republic mostly function in the Cash Economy. I see it as Unlikely that they would ‘cut off’ a large number of the Enemy.
What is to be Expected, is ‘honest people’ who have ‘bank accounts’ and ‘payroll jobs’ will be under Increasing Control of what they can ‘spend money’ on, and at some point, the (((banks))) may refuse to conduct ANY ‘cash transactions’, i.e. if you are ‘paid’ by direct deposit, you will only be able to ‘spend’ those $hekel$ ‘digitally’, within whatever controls the ‘government’ decrees.
As Noted below by Ulfbehrt, Steal the Wheelbarrow, Dump the $hekel$.

strider 777
strider 777
3 years ago
Reply to  Gryphon

I hadn’t thought of that, but you are right. Without cash, the CIA’s drug running and sex slave businesses goes to hell in a hurry.

3 years ago
Reply to  strider 777

If they plan on killing most of us well then it doesn’t matter about the drug trade or whores

strider 777
strider 777
3 years ago

Five “G Rules” for surviving the so-called “4th Turning”:

  1. Guns
  2. Grub
  3. Gold
  4. Guts
  5. God
3 years ago

You can never be too prepared many will never wake up the world be damned nothing is going to stop their fun. But alas no matter what happens the way it was will never be again hey we elected the guy to stir up the nest and that he did. They are fighting for their lives and we are having a good time for the most part. some like us are prepared but they do not realize we no longer live in a society that is ruled by law and order. we ARE a Chinese province. I am prepared to die but I am not looking forward to it as I see it unnecessary and inane.