Unknown gun manufacturer eyes North Carolina for relocation

There are at least a dozen gun companies considering leaving the Northeast because of their absurd gun laws. One of them is testing the waters in the Rockingham area… but who?

No one seems to know:

The Rockingham County Partnership for Economic and Tourism Development and the Town of Mayodan announced Tuesday that an industry-leading firearms company is trying to determine if the Western Rockingham area would be the right location for a new manufacturing plant.

A key factor in that decision will be the availability of an experienced pool of skilled manufacturing workers. In order to determine that, the company will conduct pre-employment screenings and hold an open house for qualified candidates June 18 in Mayodan.

“We’re pretty excited about what this could mean for our community,” Mayodan Town Manager Michael Brandt said. “This offers the potential to reuse one of our existing buildings and provide hundreds of much needed jobs for the area.”


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