Unvaccinated can donate organs but not receive them

You may give life but not receive it, heathen.

Here’s the post from CFP…

I have seen other articles about this, and I have had it. I have changed my status, and so I am no longer an organ donor. Since the unvaxxed are not eligible to receive my organs should I expire prematurely, I have absolutely no desire to supply them to the people who are hoping that I die so they can have them.

Here’s the link for North Carolina residents to modify their status, in case anyone is interested: https://www.donatelifenc.org/update-profile

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John Drake
John Drake
2 years ago

Just removed my name from the donor list, thanks for posting this!

2 of 5
2 of 5
2 years ago

So much for mutual respect folks. Save the whales, save the snail darters, save the poor folks coming across out boarder, save trees, etc., etc., etc. but, don’t allow life saving organs to the unjabed. Makes perfect sense coming from individuals that have turned into serial killers.

2 years ago

You are under the illusion that they will abide by your wishes?

2 years ago

what makes you think they need your permission.

see : China.
political dissidents are farmed for organs.
you can be declared enemy of the state in order to farm your organs for the cloud people.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  OtisD


Robert Orians
Robert Orians
2 years ago

My faith in the medical community that oversees the organ donation process died about ten years back and I took myself off the list . As for coming to take anything of mine good luck with that .

2 years ago

I’m trying to give my wife a kidney. She has a number of co-morbidities which put her at risk taking the vaccine. Yet they require the recipient to be vaxed. There’s only one conclusion from all this—they don’t want us to survive. They are an affront to life.