
  1. The border is still porous.
  2. The Deep State is in control.
  3. War is eminent with (pick only one): North Korea, Iran, Syria, China, Russia, Venezuela or Ukraine.
  4. Congress is still suppressing the truth.
  5. The media is still suppressing the truth.
  6. Hillary is not in prison.
  7. Inspector General reports will be coming out soon.
  8. The FBI under Wray is still corrupt.
  9. Nancy Pelosi is unsuccessfully treating her Alzheimer.
  10. Our side believes everything is fixed because Donald Trump is President.

Another day and it is the same old sh_t. We have lost our country to evil for one simple reason: we have allowed it. I pray that our period of bondage will be short lived.

David DeGerolamo

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Angie Chevallier
Angie Chevallier
5 years ago


The Willpower
5 years ago

Good one! The only country which should be on the list as a legitimate war is Mexico.

5 years ago

If I had to guess which thing would take us down as a country I’m going with all of them since it is what the bible foretell when it says that all of their fears will come to be on that day ..as for the pollution in dc it has only gotten worse and will continue to get worse . The socialists will probably win the election if not this time they have the numbers in their favor any which way bout it and historical evidence suggests they will if not them then nationals or commies. Any one of the group’s I don’t agree with nor do most of us but the only power we have is in our numbers and being solid in our beliefs and convictions being steadfast in our daily drive to be better in every way we can .train more harder faster better because it’s going to be a helluva fight !

5 years ago

#8 is unfortunately very true. Director Wray is protecting the guilty, Trump should fire him and get a guy like Barr to replace him. I vote for the ex Gov NJ -- Christie.

5 years ago
Reply to  Crawfisher

Oh Crawfisher you need to do a little more digging and realize Christie is just as bad if not worst than them…

5 years ago

#10 -- I am certainly not convinced everything is fixed, I pray Trump takes a ‘scorched earth’ approach his last two years before the election. Expose reality of the corrupt state.

a follower
a follower
5 years ago

We have allowed it as in, we have caused it or also been a part to it?
Because we too were led astray?
The prayer of Daniel 9 seems very prevalent.

a follower
a follower
5 years ago

So do we get the government we deserve? Why?
Is there another Government we should be looking too, instead of man’s.

5 years ago

Another day and it is the same old sh_t. We have lost our country to evil for one simple reason: we have allowed it. I pray that our period of bondage will be short lived.
We collectively have allowed it as rugged individuals because we didn’t stand collectively together to stop it…It’s that damn simple but no one can grok it because they are stuck in themselves…Sad That seriously…

a follower
a follower
5 years ago
Reply to  Lineman

Have we lost ourselves to evil?
If God is now in the process of judging the Nations (world,) How would he also be seeing us the Individuals within these nations, the few, the Remnant, the set-apart?
How are we holding up?