Gas is up another 2 cents a gallon from yesterday. Gas has risen 10 cents a gallon in three days. Can you afford a Memorial Day vacation or picnic?
The Dow is down 310 points after a drop of 1165 points yesterday.
Gold is up $31.50 an ounce. The depreciation of the USD accounts for $18.50 of this increase. The value of the dollar has dropped 1% today.
The Russian ruble continues to strengthen to 62.13 rubles per USD. Strange how printing money out of thin air to send to Ukraine will have unintended consequences like that.
And for their next “trick”, get ready for monkeypox.
One day we will look back at history and note the turning point when the world collapsed. I know that inflection point is now. May the Lord show mercy on his remnant.
David DeGerolamo
Monkeypox…didn’t see that one coming.
I figured Dog Eater 3.14159
They got Labs full of Control and Power to bring.
lol. ‘monkeypox’ is relabeled vaxx AIDS. fobbing off all the immune disorders on some new ‘label’. and guess what? “get a new vaxx” to fight the new pox!! braindead zombies get actual dead even sooner.
What the heck is monkey pox?
Another zoonotic virus from Africa that is transferred by homosexuals.
No worries. BioLetch and Lizer are developing a mRNA based injection to deal with it. The mandatory injections are going to be out in time for the midterms.
Gold is at $1850.00 an ounce, May 19, 2022.
The communist regime in DC is signing a treaty to give all power to the UN and WHO in a health crisis. That means UN troops on American soil.
I would add the gun crisis that they claim we have, according to them it is a health crisis.
Very important! Watch Shawn Ryan’s video…
Great video, we will be under the CCP high command.
S’ok boss, we’re running low on fertilizer anyway.
I believe it works just like placing a small fish at the bottom of your corn hill. Just dig a trench, fill it with rotting organic matter (recycle the blue helmets for planter boxes or something?), mound the dirt on top and plant some seeds. In 2 weeks you should see some sprouts!
> monkeypox
Hey, I’ve seen that movie… but the real villain was this mad doc (Fauci ?)
C’mon man. There’s no more mean tweets. So it’s all good.
Currently, the U.S. has over 150 million barrels of crude parked offshore, awaiting U.S. refinery space. So we should have the same gas prices we had 7 months ago. The only cure for big oil plundering the fuel customers is building an additional 10-20 new refineries to keep up with current demand. Oh come on man! The RICO/CCE Biden org, could make a financial killing by collecting 10% off 10-20 new refineries! Big oil makes enough profit each month, to build another refinery.
Boys--ya gotta change that handle from “monkey-pox” to human-pox or sumpin’ else.
David is correct: may the Good Lord have mercy on his obedient remnant! Best anyone can do is get on them prayer-bones morning and night and in between, be like Noah and prepare for the coming deluge. It will NOT be pretty. Harden your hearts as in days old.
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