We had our mandatory “Diversity and Inclusion Festival” this past Monday.

It was all about everyone but YOU, whitey!

The public affairs office put out the photos on social media declaring what a success it was. It was kicked off by none other than General (w/ FOUR SHINY STARS!) ******, son of the mighty ********* ******* himself…. The PAO told us that “we have much work to do” but never specified what that work was, and that “the conversation must go on” but it’s a one-way conversation…. one of our contractors here had the gall to mention that he saw the statues being pulled down in the USA as no different than when the Taliban destroyed the Buddha statues in Afghanistan about 20 years ago. His site manager was forced to make a public apology to the entire division so that his employee wouldn’t be fired and the spot and their company’s contract terminated.

The “conversation to keep going”- it’s this: A bullshit narrative based on the people in suits and people with shiny stars either caving to the mob or trying to appease a mob which can’t think anyway. Trying to assess that last part myself.

My high school government teacher, who runs for state legislature from time to time, told us in 1980 that, “…in 30 years, look around you, and ask yourself if we are not the same socially then as the USSR is right now”. His class was full of Soviet literature, and we learned about “great Americans” like Eugene V. Debs. (Sarcasm intended.)

The officers I work with, some of whom are service academy grads, are a hair’s breadth away from contemptuous stuff against the President in what they say daily. I put up with 8 years of the Chocolate Jesus, an admitted communist, without saying a word. It is what they were taught in public school and at their service academies. Many of these guys and gals are hard working, decorated combat vets. Our best and brightest we send to advanced schooling at places like Stanford, Harvard, GWU, Georgetown, and our own elite military service post-graduate institutions. There our best and brightest are inducted into organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations, a very globalist organization.

This is but one reason I hate- HATE- the left so very much. They hated me first. The difference is, when I am surrounded by them, I have to smile and pretend everything is OK, while they shit on everything I have worked for and risked for all my life.

This is where we are.

I just stocked up on more ammo before it was all gone. It’s all gone now. This isn’t people hoarding it up because it will be out of stock–this is regular Americans preparing for war.

So absolutely infiltrated is the Department of Defense that I am sick.

Go ahead and look at BLM’s home page. Anti-family, pro radical LBGT, and proudly Marxist. It’s OK if I wear a Che Guevara t-shirt, or BLM stuff on base, but I dare not wear anything with a Confederate flag on it. I am no longer amazed nor crestfallen at the level of betrayal I have seen from those in high places in my own country. I just wait for the next event, now that all the masks have fallen.

This will not end well. The summer Olympics in 1984 in Sarajevo, fast forward to Sarajevo ten short years later. A totally different place.

Now the body cam footage on Mr. Floyd has been released. I knew this would eventually come out. I’m not mad at black people. I’m not mad at cops. I’m not mad at the late Mr. Floyd. I am furious at those who used this to inflame emotionalism, and as a device to get people hating each other and (further) destroying America.

Those people are not confined to any particular skin pigmentation but they are pretty much confined to one particular ideology.

And they need to face the music.

I saw this coming a very long time ago.

Read the Whole Article Here….

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4 years ago

THIS is the military that is going to Man (uh, “person”) the Checkpoints and go Door-to-Door confiscating Weapons?

Them, and What Army?
The U.N. ?

/S/ off.

What is Never Discussed in articles like this about the Military is, What will the Captains and Colonels (and enlisted Ranks) in the Strategic Missile Forces do when (not If) the political situation goes full-on (un)Civil War? I don’t think the bolsheviks have though about it much…

There are two issues in Play -- first, if the U.S. political ‘command structure’ (President/Congress) becomes Fractured or Ineffective, Who has the Football? Or are the Codes changed by other Officers? What ‘side’ might they take?

Second, what if the rest of the World sees that the U.S. is in a state where Nobody is Certain who has the Button? While it is unlikely that they would Attack and/or Invade, all the rest of the World would suddenly realize that the Bully Empire is no longer ‘in play’, and then all of the Disputes that the Bully Empire has been sitting on ‘go Live’. China vs. Taiwan. N. vs. S. Korea? India vs. Pakistan? Zionist jews vs. Gayrabs?

One of the things that came out Later, after the collapse of the ‘soviet (bolshevik jew) union Collapsed was how when some Army Generals sided with the communists, the Strategic Rocket Forces Commander went to the Kremlin and told them the commies had to ‘give it up’ or Moscow would be Nuked.

Then, there is the ‘issue’ of the Submarine Nuclear Forces…..

While most people here are Focused on the ‘local’ and ‘tactical’ aspects of (un)Civil War, there is a whole ‘nother Level of the Game we are heading in to. Got Batteries for your Geiger Counter?