UPDATE – H328- (the NC Illegal alien driver’s license bill) – did not pass the House Finance Committee today HOWEVER…the chairman of the committee DELAYED the vote on H328 after numerous criticisms were raised by a number of Republicans about the bill. The hearing lasted 1 & 1/2 hours…well beyond the allotted time. The bill MAY surface again, so our concern is still real and not over so stay vigilant.
NCFIRE, NC LISTEN and ALIPAC attended the hearing and had it recorded so video will be provided soon showing those who turned against citizens by supporting the bill during the debate.
There were numerous times Rep Harry Warren outright lied during his comments about HB 328. He is the bill’s main sponsor. (We were able to uncover some explosive information that will show the true nature of Harry’s character concerning this bill)
Rep Warren, in his remarks, spoke disrespectfully of and insulted NC Tea Party groups he felt were involved with groups like NC LISTEN and NCFIRE. He basically accused us of spreading “misinformation”! Amazing… especially since we simply pointed out problems with the actual wording of the bill itself.
Rep. John Blust (R- Guilford Co.) offered an amendment to strip Section 6 (driver’s licenses portion) out of the bill and pass the remaining enforcement measures. 11 Republicans voted to accept the amendment HOWEVER, there were enough Republicans left over who voted WITH the Democrats to deny the amendment. We have all of it on video and will be naming names soon
The decision today is another example of what one person can do to change the direction of state level politics if you simply take 2 minutes of your time to send an email or to make a phone call.
All of you together made it happen.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!
More to come soon so stay tuned.
President NCFIRE- North Carolinians For Immigration Reform and Enforcement
Website: www.NCFIRE.info
Facebook: Facebook.com/NCFIRE
Twitter: @NCFIREJames
E-mail: NCFIRE@ncfire.info
NCFIRE Hotline: 1-855-NCFIRE1
cell # 910-286-3022
For a representative of this State to have this type of bill come before a committee hearing should be an offense to all decent law abiding North Carolinians. And it was a republican who brought the bill forth, and with the help of you know who a sleazy demo-rat , these republicrats can’t seem to stay away from sleazy demo-rats and working side by side with them. the republicrat needs to BOOTED out of office at the next election for writing such a damnable piece of trash and then trying to get it passed. we need to follow the money on this one and why this republicrat submitted such a stinking evil bill.