Urgent Blast Alert Against North Carolina H390 (COSP)

Image result for constitutional convention bad idea

The Convention of States Project (COSP) has scheduled a rally & lobby day at the Capitol in Raleigh on Wed. April 10. They’ll be parading around three (!) “icons”: Tom Coburn, Allen West (who may be on their payroll now) and Mark Meckler; and they’ll be visiting legislators’ offices with their usual misinformation.

This will be the second time in 3 weeks that Meckler and Coburn have been to North Carolina. Last time they ended the day asking Republicans to join them at a classy restaurant. These are the same folks that warned Kansas legislators, less than a month ago, to beware of outsiders trying to influence them!

Here is the application for an Article V Convention (A5C) we oppose in the North Carolina House:

H390 (COSP) — awaiting committee assignment — hearing not scheduled yet.

HERE is our State flyer which explains the dangers of an A5C.

HEREare words from brilliant men who warned against an A5C.

Legislators have been told by COSP that they will control convention Delegates and set the convention rules. But this isn’t true! Article V provides that when 2/3 of the state legislatures apply for it, Congress calls a convention. At that point, it will be out of state legislators’ hands. This CHART shows WHO has the power to do WHAT under Article V.

THIS ARTICLE and THIS FLYER show why States can’t control the Delegates or prevent Delegates from coming up with a new Constitution.

As Georgetown law professor David A. Super says in this ARTICLE, “These groups are seeking to persuade State Legislatures to take the country into …uncharted territory…Calling an Article V convention is reckless, especially at this divisive moment in our nation’s political history.”

Please write to the following 120 North Carolina representatives and ask them to Vote “No!” on H390 and any other applications from North Carolina asking Congress to call an Article V convention:

House Republicans (65) – Dear Representative:

Jay.Adams@ncleg.net, Dean.Arp@ncleg.net, Lisa.Barnes@ncleg.net, John.Bell@ncleg.net, Hugh.Blackwell@ncleg.net, Jamie.Boles@ncleg.net, William.Brisson@ncleg.net, Mark.Brody@ncleg.net, Dana.Bumgardner@ncleg.net, Jerry.Carter@ncleg.net, George.Cleveland@ncleg.net, Debra.Conrad@ncleg.net, Kevin.Corbin@ncleg.net, Ted.Davis@ncleg.net, Jimmy.Dixon@ncleg.net, Josh.Dobson@ncleg.net, Jeffrey.Elmore@ncleg.net, John.Faircloth@ncleg.net, John.Fraley@ncleg.net, Edward.Goodwin@ncleg.net, Holly.Grange@ncleg.net, Destin.Hall@ncleg.net, kyle.hall@ncleg.net, Bobby.Hanig@ncleg.net, Jon.Hardister@ncleg.net, Kelly.Hastings@ncleg.net, Cody.Henson@ncleg.net, Craig.Horn@ncleg.net, Julia.Howard@ncleg.net, Chris.Humphrey@ncleg.net, Pat.Hurley@ncleg.net, Frank.Iler@ncleg.net,

Steve.Jarvis@ncleg.net, LindaP.Johnson@ncleg.net, Brenden.Jones@ncleg.net, Keith.Kidwell@ncleg.net, Donny.Lambeth@ncleg.net, David.Lewis@ncleg.net, Pat.McElraft@ncleg.net, Chuck.McGrady@ncleg.net, Allen.McNeill@ncleg.net, gregory.murphy@ncleg.net, Larry.Pittman@ncleg.net, Larry.Potts@ncleg.net, Michele.Presnell@ncleg.net, Dennis.Riddell@ncleg.net, David.Rogers@ncleg.net, Stephen.Ross@ncleg.net, Jason.Saine@ncleg.net, Clayton.Sasser@ncleg.net, John.Sauls@ncleg.net, Mitchell.Setzer@ncleg.net, Phil.Shepard@ncleg.net, Carson.Smith@ncleg.net, Michael.Speciale@ncleg.net, Sarah.Stevens@ncleg.net, Larry.Strickland@ncleg.net, John.Szoka@ncleg.net, John.Torbett@ncleg.net, Rena.Turner@ncleg.net, Harry.Warren@ncleg.net, Donna.White@ncleg.net, Larry.Yarborough@ncleg.net, Lee.Zachary@ncleg.net, Tim.Moore@ncleg.net,

House Democrats (55) – Dear Representative:

Gale.Adcock@ncleg.net, John.Ager@ncleg.net, Kelly.Alexander@ncleg.net, John.Autry@ncleg.net, Cynthia.Ball@ncleg.net, Sydney.Batch@ncleg.net, Chaz.Beasley@ncleg.net, Mary.Belk@ncleg.net, MaryAnn.Black@ncleg.net, Cecil.Brockman@ncleg.net, deb.butler@ncleg.net, Becky.Carney@ncleg.net, Christy.Clark@ncleg.net, Ashton.Clemmons@ncleg.net, Carla.Cunningham@ncleg.net, Allison.Dahle@ncleg.net, Terence.Everitt@ncleg.net, Jean.Farmer-Butterfield@ncleg.net, Susan.Fisher@ncleg.net, Elmer.Floyd@ncleg.net, James.Gailliard@ncleg.net, Terry.Garrison@ncleg.net, Rosa.Gill@ncleg.net, Ken.Goodman@ncleg.net, Charles.Graham@ncleg.net, Wesley.Harris@ncleg.net, Pricey.Harrison@ncleg.net,

Zack.Hawkins@ncleg.net, Yvonne.Holley@ncleg.net, Rachel.Hunt@ncleg.net, Howard.Hunter@ncleg.net, Verla.Insko@ncleg.net, Darren.Jackson@ncleg.net, Joe.John@ncleg.net, Brandon.Lofton@ncleg.net, Carolyn.Logan@ncleg.net, Marvin.Lucas@ncleg.net, Nasif.Majeed@ncleg.net, Grier.Martin@ncleg.net, graig.meyer@ncleg.net, Derwin.Montgomery@ncleg.net, Marcia.Morey@ncleg.net, Garland.Pierce@ncleg.net, Joe.Queen@ncleg.net, Amos.Quick@ncleg.net, robert.reives@ncleg.net, William.Richardson@ncleg.net, Ray.Russell@ncleg.net, Kandie.Smith@ncleg.net, Raymond.Smith@ncleg.net, Evelyn.Terry@ncleg.net, Brian.Turner@ncleg.net, Julie.vonHaefen@ncleg.net, Shelly.Willingham@ncleg.net, Michael.Wray@ncleg.net,

Thank you for defending our Constitution!

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Publius Huldah
Publius Huldah
5 years ago

thank you! and the cartoon/meme you chose is a work of genius!

PLEASE write and call and visit Legislators if you can.

5 years ago

Quote “Nothing in Article V or the Constitution limits a convention to a single topic(s). The convention is the deliberative body!”

They’ll go in amending the electoral college and come out killing the second amendment.
Article V (or Constitutional) Conventions are a real threat to the documents that have guided us for over 200 years.

5 years ago

As with the 2A, the libtards will try to eliminate our Constitution.
So what? I have the original documents as the Founders intended, in my pocket, in my mind, and in my heart. Killing me won’t take that away.
“…as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord”, and stand by the Lady Liberty.

Publius Huldah
Publius Huldah
5 years ago

The proposed Constitution for the Newstates of America provides at Article I. B Section 8 that we are to be disarmed. http://www.sweetliberty.org/issues/concon/newstates.htm

And that Constitution provides at Article XII, Section 1 that it is to be ratified by a “referendum”.

Our Framers understood that the purpose of a convention is to get a new Constitution -- I prove that here: https://publiushuldah.files.wordpress.com/2019/02/rescission-flyer-020319-.pdf

So the danger of an Article V convention which made James Madison “tremble” is NOT that Delegates will propose bad amendments to our existing Constitution. The danger is that the delegates have the opportunity to impose a completely new Constitution. And since this new Constitution will have its own mode of ratification, it is sure to be approved.

The globalists want to move the United States into the North American Union (NAU). In order to achieve that, they need a new Constitution which transforms us from a sovereign nation to a member state of the NAU.

Matt Bracken
Matt Bracken
5 years ago

I wrote about a fictional Con-Con that goes way off the rails to the far left in my novel Foreign Enemies and Traitors. Article V Convention fans say it could never happen the way I describe it. I hope we never find out.

Here is the setup: It’s a year after two New Madrid earthquakes have devastated the Mississippi Valley.Battalions of foreign “peacekeepers” are occupying Tennessee, at the invitation of the President. Phil Carson, (from “Enemies Foreign And Domestic”), and three strangers are hiding in a well-stocked cave, which is a guerrilla fighter’s lair. Across West Tennessee, Kazakh “contract peacekeepers” are wiping out the last remaining American holdouts, who have rejected the federal government’s order to abandon their homes and move to distant FEMA “relocation centers.”


Publius Huldah
Publius Huldah
5 years ago
Reply to  Matt Bracken

Hi, Matt,

I read your excellent account in your novel of the results of an A5C -- it’s very visceral. Thank you! Keep it up -- reaching as many people as you can -- and then they need to warn their State legislators.

The USMCA Treaty provides for the ECONOMIC integration of the US, Canada, and Mexico.

But it is our Constitution of 1787 which is preventing the POLITICAL integration of the 3 Countries.

In order to bring about the POLITICAL integration of the 3 Countries, they need to get rid of our Constitution of 1787 and get a new constitution which transforms us from a sovereign nation to a member state of the North American Union (NAU). In order to get a new Constitution, they need a convention. And that’s what is behind this push for an Article V convention.

The run of the mill people who support “convention of states” have no idea of what is the real agenda. Their ignorance of our Declaration of Independence and Constitution are so profound that they are easily manipulated by the COSP propaganda.

It’s a 24/7 job trying to get Americans even willing to PAY ATTENTION to this issue.