Uruguay: Muslim screaming “Allahu akbar” stabs Jew to death

A Jewish man died Tuesday after being stabbed repeatedly in a suspected anti-Semitic attack in Uruguay.

David Fremd, a 54-year-old local businessman, was attacked in the western Uruguayan city of Paysandu, on the border with neighboring Argentina.

Fremd was a local representative of the Uruguayan Jewish umbrella group. His family suspects that the attack was religiously motivated, according to a report by local news outlet Subraydo.



Knowing that Islamic terrorists have organized cells across the country for coordinated attacks at some point in the future, I wonder how Americans will react when they strike. I would like to have used the word “act” but our culture has developed a just-in-time mentality that is crippling us mentally and economically. The random lone wolf attacks seen across the world by supporters of Islam are marginalized by the government and media. The larger attacks as we saw in France are used as an excuse to institute martial law.

For those Americans who are sentient, I pray that we act with honor and courage. Our government will not as we saw with the murder of LaVoy Finicum.

David DeGerolamo

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8 years ago

Isn’t this such a peaceful religion as stated by the lame brain media and making themselves believe such dog poop, when in fact it is not a religion but a SATANIC DEATH cult. How many times have we Americans had to endure the idiocies and moronic mentally ill Chatter of the last three presidents, Clinton, George Bush and the Sodomite Obama stating how wonderful and peaceful this religion is. I want to Vomit on all three of these scum maggots.