US Attorney General, US Cities, Join UN to Create Global Police Force Intiative

Yesterday, Loretta Lynch announced before the United Nations that the Attorney General’s Office, in collaboration with several US Cities will for a global law enforcement initiative called the Strong Cities Network. This is the implementation of UN rules and laws on US soil bypassing Congress and circumventing the Constitution.

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9 years ago

this is real treason and anyone of our bureaucrats and leaders involved in this must be brought before hearings., trials and either hanged or jailed for there level of involvement.

9 years ago

They’re just begging for the fireworks to begin…

9 years ago

what else will we have to lose since these Marxists are breaking every law in the book while locking up decent folks for absolutely nothing. we are being forced into a war and when it comes they will all be targets and regret what they have done, and nothing and no one will be able to protect them even there darling islamic terrorist pigs they have allowed to enter our nation illegally. what will you do when you see the blue helmets or what ever phony police uniform they will be wearing to try to lock you up, i say they will be locked up or hanged on site.

9 years ago
Reply to  Phil

Blue helmets and ragheads -- all fair game with no season or bag limit exclusions.
I’ve advocated, for years, that people should be taking down names, taking pictures and making notes as to who the traitors are that surround them. When the “games” begin, these will have to be amongst the first to be rounded up.
The movie “Red Dawn” (first copy), substituting the UN for the Cubans, should be a fitting example of whats to come.
Stock up and prepare, folks. It’s coming -- like it or not!

9 years ago

we really don’t require a list because we already know who the traitors are in our government and the state run media, there names are all over the media continually and on the Sunday narrative reader shows. but there is a list of 91 names of Congressman and senators which they so happily signed there names to as being Marxist communists and subversives. I will gladly post all the names if you want me to. before these Whore liars go ,remember the state run media whore elites have to go first as well as there owners. Every one of our law enforcement agencies have been abominated and can no longer be trusted, thy must be must be filtered out first , there are to many lawbreakers who work in them now, and they all have to stand trial the good with the bad until all is ferreted out. but they must all go .

9 years ago
Reply to  Phil

I believe I was referring to local folks; politicians. Those who openly support these criminals. After all, won’t THEY be the first we have to encounter?

9 years ago
Reply to  Phil

Hi Phil…………Mostly correct in your analysis, but you may not see any blue helmets at all……………LE will be the local PD who have been accepting the funds for several years now. It is all over little towns in this area of south Louisiana. MRAP’s in small towns like Hammond (15,000 population), Greensburg (400 population) swat teams all over, special training. But LE will not investigate common criminals in my immediate area and they keep getting elected. We are in a real mess.

9 years ago
Reply to  benjamin951

The time is almost here that you may have no choice but to engage and remove the internal enemy in your local area. all who think like you will have to become a military unit if you want to survive. You will need to round up the traitors in your local government and law enforcement and just hang them or put them in front of a firing squad, these are traitors and must be treated as such. When it comes they will regret what they started. The blood will run in the streets of our cities and towns. I am no Fan of Lincoln but even he saw this time we are living in his dreams. Wars are not won by how many M-raps, tanks, jeeps, etc. its won by stealth and guerrilla fighting and since there are thousand upon thousands of ex army and ex marine trained warriors we will have the upper hand, we know what they will do before they do it. Once they know there are operational units watch what happens to the rats they are, they crawl into the holes they came out of. remember no mercy what so ever especially on un police, or Canadian or any other foreign militia the sodomite has brought into our nation to kill us.

ed lown
ed lown
9 years ago

Dear Loretta Lynch
Screw you
Ed lown

9 years ago

Lynch should be arrested immediately for treason after completely ignoring the rule of law. what is with these Marxists POS how can they get away with anything they want and the Congress just sits there as well as the senate and does nothing. if this is the case who the hell needs them and let the war begin so we clan clean out the entire branch of lunatics running our government as well as all the bureaucracies and hang every stinking one of the treasonous bastards.

ed lown
ed lown
9 years ago
Reply to  Phil

love it im for you

9 years ago

I couldn’t agree more, Phil. The entirety of DC, and their cohorts in crime, need to be paraded out in cuffs and sent to Gitmo pending execution. There would be no need for trials as their actions prove their guilt, so straight to the gallows they should go.
I can’t wait for the “games” to begin…

9 years ago

Love it U GO GUYS,100%……