US B-52s On First Time Mission Over Northern Finland, Russia Scrambles MiG Jets

The US military has sent two B-52 bombers over northern Finland on Sunday in a historic first and in a clear strong message aimed at Russia. Finland entered the NATO alliance in April of 2023 and this marks the first big act of military cooperation with NATO and the US over its territory.

The bombers entered Finland from Norway’s northern region, linking up with Finnish fighter jets for the rest of the flight. “Today, Finland has implemented cooperation with the strategic bombers of the United States in the territory of Finland,” Finnish defense minister Antti Häkkänen announced.

“It is a normal cooperation carried out in the territory of a NATO member country and it demonstrate the basic pillar of common defense and deterrence,” Häkkänen said.


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5 months ago

Poking the Bear, Bigly!
From “Fred on Everything”:
Here I offer Fred’s Fourth Military Law: Military stupidity comes in three levels: Normally stupid; really, really stupid; and invading Russia. It isn’t good for you. Charles XII tried it, as did Napoleon and Hitler. With identical results.”
Remember that the geniuses in D.C. can (try to) get into their assigned bunkers (unless they run out of time (eight minutes from Russia, 90 seconds from a sub-based launch off of Bermuda).
We get to play “On the Beach” or “Alas, Babylon” with the remaining 350 million non-bunkered Americans.
Where’s my 2,000,000 SunBlock? (Oxybenzone-free, of course)!

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
5 months ago

“This business will get out of control. It’ll get out of control and we’ll be lucky to live through it.”

kal kal
kal kal
5 months ago

Wish America would just stop going after the wrong enemy! American imperialism is going too far and the world is a much more dangerous place because of it.