🚨Trump just signed an executive order declaring the cartels as terrorist organizations
— DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) January 21, 2025
The US military is about to start hunting them down
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The cartels are in Mexico….a sovereign nation. Using the Military against the cartels would be an act of war. This would be a BAD idea. There are other ways to deal with the cartels that don’t require an act of war or direct military involvement.
Well, actually it doesn’t mean they will enter Mexico at all in an overt way. It will mean that they will hunt down (domestically) members of the cartels who are operating here--and also give a reason for the military to operated opening on the US border.
We don’t need the military to deal with the cartel in America….the FBI could handle that…if they were forced to stop terrorizing honest Americans.
Oh--yeah, the FBI… uh, huh. That should world out just fine. A bunch of suite and tie falgalas going up against hard core, heavily armed sacarios. These rats completely control the border regions of Mexico on the Mexico side. The movie “Sacario’ from 2015 with Emily Blunt (a hottie) can give you a good idea of what is transpiring now. And since that movie was released the situation has worsened. So what your saying is when military operations from the cartels come into the USA we should confront them with law enforcement tactics? They should be hit with military force and wiped out.
Not really, that nation is under full control of the drug cartels and is a narco state and they have already declared war on our nation years ago and the money laundering into the pockets of mainly fascist democrats was a gift that never stops giving. So, our military can and will enter into that rat hole of a nation and destroy everything in its path that is cartel related and there is not one thing that crap hole of a communist run nation will do. We will will also need to clean up the cartels in the Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and California local/state governments which are out of control as well with corruptible leaders and judges. It’s a white fest of child trafficking, drugs and murder.
Right answer!
It wouldn’t be the first time the US Military went into Mexico to eliminate bandits.
The Posse Comitatus Act forbids the government from using the military as a police force.
The Border Patrol needs to protect the border not the military. If the military is going after the cartels outside the US borders…..
I guess Gen Pershing missed that memo about invading Mexico after Pancho Villa
not really , When the President declares a state of Emergency he grants the power to the military to do whatever needs to be done to protect the nation and citizens from the invading forces, and we are at this point and this is why he signed the E.O. to do just that, clean out the rats nest of communist cartels rampaging over our borders with little or no one stopping them. So, the cartels as well as the Narco State which they fully control declared war on our nation a long time ago and there is nothing the congress, senate or the corrupted federal judiciary can do to stop it. If Trump wanted too he could also declare martial war and shut down the entire government which includes both houses as well as the judiciary and put it under military rule until the invasion is brought to an end. He won’t need to do this because he has the full authority in the E.O. state of emergency to utilize the military intervention..
Exactly right. Call it a “Trump Card,” if you like.
Put the Army on the Border. An Invasion is an Invasion, Quit Quibbling and getting your panties in a twist.
No one is going to hunt down the cartels in Mexico. If you don’t understand that the Mexican cartels have been emboldened by our last weak administration to move into our United States, you are surely mistaken..
Per The Constitution, the one thing gubbermint is actually supposed to do, required to do, is . . protect our borders.
are they going after big pharma then?
I wonder if Trump is going to shut down the US State Department’s huge migrant center in Panama. They ship over 3000 migrants north to Texas every day. Also, keep in mind that most of the US street gangs have cartel connections. These gangs are the cartels army inside the US. Plus, we have a huge number of Mexican racists in the US. La Raza.
I suspect that the US government has not gone after the cartels inside the US as hard as they could have. In the 1980’s, the cocaine business probably propped up Miami. Where I live, there are a gazillion Mexican beauty shops and restaurants. Many of them have little or no business, but they stay open, year after year. They’re laundering cartel money. Which means the cartels are paying US income tax on that money. Uncle Sugar sure does like that tax money.
Bring the troops home from Poland and the other NATO straphanger countries and put them on our Northern and Southern borders. As far as invading Mexico, it did not work out the last time, so why do it again? Button up the borders, drone/shoot down all incoming smugglers, and use the USCG to interdict any watercraft bringing in dope or Vato Locos. FIFY.
You WILL see cartel retaliation inside the US borders against judges, law enforcement, and military targets. It’s going to get bloody. American’s resolve will be tested in ways in has not been tested in several generations.
Last time my family took up arms not in uniform, it was to defend against Pancho Villa and his gang in Columbus, NM one hundred years ago.
Keep your head on a swivel and your rifle close.