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- Randolph Scott on The Inner Soul Tree of Man
- kal kal on I Hope They Are All Gitmo Bound
- kal kal on I Hope They Are All Gitmo Bound
- Randolph Scott on The Purpose of Life – An Alternative Worldview
- Randolph Scott on 200 Executive Orders?
What are people thinking? Do they really believe that with so many warnings and so much confusion, that nothing will change? Maybe they, especially the younger people who still think they will live forever or that they can make their life different, believe all of this is hype. It isn’t. It is deadly serious. Listen to the people in Mariupol who were in your video post or our troops sitting in Poland this morning or the US soldiers in the Ukraine who realize no cares about what they are walking into. Members of my own family are almost purposely using up stored supplies as if there is no tomorrow! Let’s make cookies! Let’s give the dogs half! What I realize is that many people are in such shock/denial, that even if they are participating in preparedness, they are still not accepting it. It is getting too real. Yes. our institutions, such as media, have betrayed us but they were never invested in ordinary people and life as most of us know it. It should not come as a surprise that we have been the butt of their public and private jokes for a long time. The important thing that must happen now, is that local people who constitute a working group must come together as one body, reinforcing behavior, expectation and action. I am speaking of actions of self preservation, not some complex organization of military strategy, but organization of agreement to survive. We must begin to conserve and repair what we have in our hands now.
A family member told me that they were frustrated because it was obvious that there was no way to make or obtain enough money to do what they wanted. My response, which surprised me, was that it is already too late to think in terms of money. We NOW must think in terms of what we have to trade, what skills and tools do we have to sell for what we need. The money idea is over just like the grocery store idea is almost over. Switch gears now, think ahead. Start living as if what you have in your hands is all you have to survive until tomorrow. Grow some respect for what you are holding. Thank God for it.
Remember when tits were for feeding baby’s. Formula, Really? I this day and age you trust the Chinese to feed your baby. WOW!
The Hollywood Left has been spitting in my face for years. I do not even concern myself with their rantings. The Gangs of LA are already starting to do “follow homes” on these corrupt Satanists. I will let the One of a much Higher Power deal with them in His own time.
FWIW, here in Winterfell (North Idaho) there is still plenty of product and needful things. And us locals are buying it up. When the Hollywood dreck start arriving at their hidey holes in Sandpoint, then they will be dealt with. Bleib ubrig.
Haven’t needed baby stuff for decades, so I don’t know the situation with that. I haven’t experienced any shortages of food in my area, yet. NE Illinois. Just outside the hive. I found a good supply of reasonably priced ammo near me. Most of the big sporting goods stores have more ammo recently, but they are still over priced. Some times, way over priced.
We are on our own boys & girls, everyone will be fending for themselves in short order, no one from anywhere, unless you personally know and have over many years developed trust in them, trust no one. You run the risk of being sold out for a plate of beans or (heaven forbid) an approved “social credit”. All world leaders have proven themselves untrustworthy, with the possible exception of Orban of Hungary, who seems to have the interests of the populace of his country as the first priority. The only one I have personally heard say so on national TV. I have heard too-dough just state that all media outlets and journalists would only be allowed to broadcast or print anything unless it was gommermint approved. Just banning Rebel news.
And just for an insight on how our overlords view us there is this you might find interesting. Appears we have all made the list, numerous times, some of us right here making the list 10’s of times if not multiples of 10’s of times. I’m on the list at least 20+ times. The klub only you and I are in cause the elites got their own exclusive klub, the one you’ll never be in.The video it the interest point.