US, Ukraine say many war secrets safe from intel leaks

Ukraine’s leaders say they don’t see a major U.S. intelligence leak as gravely damaging future offensives. A key reason: They have long held back on sharing their most sensitive operational information, doubting Washington’s ability to keep their secrets safe.

Ukrainian and U.S. officials said this week that only Ukrainians know some battle plans and other operational information, not the Americans, their most important ally. That means the leak of secret military documents, including some assessing Ukraine’s battlefield strengths and weaknesses against Russia, may not have been enough — so far — to change the course of the war.

Ukrainian officials and ordinary Ukrainians have made clear they could afford no open split over the leaks with the United States, which has given Ukraine more than $100 billion in military and civilian support.

Secrecy in one vital area, Ukraine’s plans for any upcoming offenses to repel Russian forces, remains unbreached, U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told reporters in Washington on Tuesday after speaking with his Ukrainian counterpart.

“They have a great plan … but only President Zelenskyy and his leadership really know the full details of that plan,” the U.S. defense chief said.


h/t Cousin John

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1 year ago

“We don’t tell America our Top, Top Secrets because they Blab. We about to kick the Russians asses.”

AKA “Send MOAR MONEY”. MOAR Tanks, MOAR Fighters, MOAR AMMO and so on.

Just how much kickback are our “Leadership” getting here?

Buy HEY! Our Sockpuppet” got the MOST VOTES EVAR and they’ll send you to the Gulag if you disagree Comrade.

Protect your family things are getting even more “interesting” as in Chinese curse.

1 year ago

As always in these last few decades… you can’t make this shit up.  Call your congress person (202-224-3121) and tell them to get our military out of the Ukraine conflict in ANY capacity RFN.  

Biden has 20,000 troops stationed on Ukraine’s borders to fight, get maimed and die in a FAKE war…

Locally, Fort Campbell, KY has emptied out into Poland.  We need these troops to come home and not be in danger for NO JUSTIFIABLE REASON.

Putin is selling Zelensky diesel fuel with our money, and Zelensky is selling our weapons on the dark web -- enough to skim $400 million dollars in a year on the fuel scam alone??!! This is an incredible insult to the US military and US citizens across this country.

Ukraine is being depopulated so it can be re-built to continue it’s role as a dirty politician’s money laundering sink (see FTX scandal) and playground. That’s it.  

Our military has no business being involved in this FAKE conflict for illegal profit.

Original Article: 04/13/23 “Seymour Hersh Alleges that Zelensky has Embezzled $400M in Fuel Scam
Comment/Question: As much as I respect Hersh’s early work, that article is pretty gutsy for its lack of detail and sources. And how up to the task of investigative reporting can an 83 year old man be?
Answer: :)))) I thought about that too. Hersh pissed me off on some other subject that I can’t remember now… and he didn’t get it 100% right on Nordstream either.
BUT, this fit right in with everything murdered Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya wrote in her books about Putin’s network’s enrichment of itself in the Chechnya, Ingushtia, Georgian conflicts. This is how they do it.
And the part of the article that says there are “a lot of American’s involved” was similar to the way Clinton conducted the US involvement in Kosovo, where Dyncorp set up sex trafficking rings… and the region became the primary source of snuff pornography for the US and Germany (Gods of Death, a former Israeli Defense Force author).
I hope to hear new info on Nuremberg 2.0 sooner rather than later:))

1 year ago

Gee, here we are paying for their war, their workers pension and the welfare systems paychecks but they don’t share… well then, stop the flow of money and arms and leave the nazi’s high and dry & send the arms to CONUS where soon we will need them to fight the Chinese. Fuk the Ukes.