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Wild Bill’s claim that the US government conducted multiple investigations of the June 8, 1967 attack on the USS Liberty is incorrect. In fact, the US government has never conducted an investigation of the attack on our ship.
Wild Bill can prove us wrong by showing us where in the record of those alleged investigation is contained the account he related in this video.
If anyone is interested in reading more information about the attack on our ship please read the documents contained at
Joe Meadors
USS Liberty Survivor
Director of Operations USS Liberty Veterans Association
Disgusting how traitors like “:Wild Bill” attack American sailors in order to defend the attempt by the state of Israel to sink an American naval vessel. America First. American Always. American Only.
USS Liberty was a tragedy that has been hidden by our own govt. Its up to the civilians themselves in such cases to “go over govt’s head” and conduct memorials, vigils and recognition for our troops. The govt wont do it, so we should.
But after attempting to work w/ Liberty group on just such an action to honor their sacrifice? BIG mistake. Wont ever do it again. Got nothing but trouble, hassle, run around and slapped in the face for our efforts. They used our project proposal- then shut us out of it- among alot of rudeness by their staff/partner affiliates. Overall a very bad experience not worth repeating.
Civilians? Find a vets org that has integrity enough to deal fairly and honestly w/ supporters. Volunteer at the VA or a hospice for vets. They need us.USS Liberty group is not the one to waste your time on.
Could you provide more specifics? I’d like to check this out to find out what happened.
What group do you represent? Do they have a website? Who in the LVA have you been in touch with? Do you have exchanged emails you can send me at