h/t Brock and Matt Bracken
How tyranny responds to Liberty: with ignorance and stupidity. The Gadsden flag is an official flag of the United States during the Revolution. Supporting the Constitution is associated with being extremist.
Why go on? In all respects. Our founding principles are under attack by our “rulers”. Once again you are faced with only two choices: Liberty or Tyranny. Both come at a high price and your time to decide is over as you can plainly see above.
David DeGerolamo
If by owning and displaying one of the above flags I am considered an extremist than all I can say is, “Don’t Tread On Me”. I also bought on of those T shirts that says, ” when guns are outlawed then I will be an outlaw”. There are many other flags and t shirts with catchy phrases or sentences. For me the one sentence that says it all is Patrick Henry’s famous line, ” as for me give me liberty or give me death”. I have not seen it on a flag nor t shirt yet but when I do I will buy it.
‘Once again you are faced with only two choices: Liberty or Tyranny”
You mean Liberty or Death.
I was talking to the general public. Most people do not have the honor or character to choose Liberty or Death. I believe that most people have already accepted tyranny.
This is the problem with people who will commit acts like armed occupations of government property and running from the police while armed. This is how you get labeled as extremists; by acting like extremists. The end does NOT justify the means.
One of the most insipid comments that I have ever seen posted.
it does beg the question at what point should i not display it so as to increase my chances of staying under the all knowing eye of big brother .i do display mine thanks to a yoda jedi master
I know, but it digs at some of them that they have already chosen the wrong side.
Just out of curiosity countrygirl, how is it federal property when they cannot legally own it? That would make them thieves and it appears murderers.
BTW have you ever went by the name gonewiththewind?
I checked, countrygirl is not gonewiththewind who was banned for being an obvious troll. Country girl just appears to be vacuous at this point.
If as you say the federal government is breaking the law than take them to court. Win in court. If your choice is to demonstrate than do it legally don’t take over a federal building. Hopefully you uinderstand that by pursuing your activism with aggressive and illegal methods AND while armed and making threats plays right into the hands of those who would label you as extremists.
I understand GoneWithTheWind’s posts are deleted because I guess only one point of view is allowed.
I understand GoneWithTheWind’s posts are deleted because I guess only one point of view is allowed.
You do not understand why his comments were deleted because you have no information, only speculation. His comments were removed with an explanation.
“Government property”?
I have been thinking about that phrasing also. If the people are the government as set up in our founding principles, this is an oxymoronic statement. We can outline the property that the government is allowed to own or control under the Constitution but people are brainwashed that any law passed by the government must be obeyed. As John Whitehead pointed out in his book, there are so many laws to control the people that everyone breaks three felony laws every day.
The law is the law. We do not need a court to tell us that. The reason the 2nd Amendment is there is to stop the government from breaking the law. The courts have already shown they do not follow the law. They are not in the law making process or are the interprets of the law. If you read the Constitution and studied a little you would know that. Instead you love the yoke of tyranny. That is not American.