VACCINE FAILURE! Patients Hospitalized, Dying Mostly FULLY ‘VACCINATED’!

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3 years ago

Clearly the mRNA jabs are causing this ADE syndrome.
Does anybody know if the J&J jabs are involved or likely to cause ADE ??
I have researched and followed this from the start, which is why I never submitted to the jabs, but am unaware of any research showing if J&J jabs cause ADE.
Am concerned for loved ones who took the J&J shots…..

3 years ago
Reply to  173dVietVet

All of them are deadly. I put a link above your post.

lab rat
lab rat
3 years ago

Thank you for posting this. The jab makes you produce antibodies alright. This is why legitimate completed trials are a must.
If a withdrawing heroin addict needed to shoot up because ” it’s an emergency” does that negate the need for them to test what’s in their shot first?

3 years ago

Perhaps this reaction is what TPTB are fearful of this fall. The bodies may start to pile up during this flu season. Folks will see what this push is really mass genocide. Just sayin.

Last edited 3 years ago by oldtimer505
Mae Bee
Mae Bee
3 years ago
Reply to  oldtimer505

They’re not fearful -- s o m e of them are looking forward to it with glee.

3 years ago
Reply to  oldtimer505

Oh so now you waking up, to the fact that the media was controlling the Genecide, The Earth does not tolerate our life style, the mess, The lies, the greed back stabbing politicians, there are countries and states that paid no attention at all to the Evil being done. Don’t you remember there were no Flue Demic this year, Flue season came n went The propaganda of fear was on the CoVin Demic. The news is bias. HOME SCHOOL children. An average school going children get 70+ shots and a dozen prescriptions, and when High School is finished no more drugs or shots, these kids hit the streets. So there is the media raised child and the missing parent. who worked and did not have time to see the child grow up.
As for AIDS programs, go out and talk to those people, Learn the truth, Of sorry there is no truth to be had in a bias medically prescribed controlled party, don’t bring the cake, or flowers, a HYPODERMIC will be sufficiently.
Get it from both ends the bum skulls and the liners. GOD DID NOT MAKE JUNK, Ask the priest whose screwing your child. Sorry to be so real, I ve been there and speaking on facts..

3 years ago
Evil Pharma Knew Covid Vaxxes resulted in Death, now What???