Vaccine Tyranny – We Need Justice, Not Amnesty

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Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

God’s said the punishment for murder is death.

2 years ago

Crimes against humanity, there has to be consequences.

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
2 years ago

The real tragedy is that we the people have not shut it down now, completely. The agenda has been exposed, why are we talking amnesty while allowing this program to continue on?! Actually advancing, who -- pandemic peace treaty. Pure bloods are being assimilate at an alarming rate. Borg-genesis? Is this real?

Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
2 years ago

The people who advocated for the forced vaccinations do not deserve life. They, in essence, argued for everyone to take the jab, therefore, they have passed their own death sentence. They should be punished without reserve. They knew that the vaccine was unproven, but carried out the governments bidding.

2 years ago

we just need the pedophiles gone…that gets rid of nearly everyone in power…and that is not just in the government…psychopaths rise to the top and love to destroy…everyone…look at your leaders if you want to save the children

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago

There will be no “justice” working within the system, the system is compromised, it IS the problem. Eliminating the people in question, solves the problem, as then system is no longer compromised.
Get it through your skull, grok the implications, all of them.

strider 777
strider 777
2 years ago

Enough! All the damned perps must be brought to justice -- especially the Davos bastards!

2 years ago

My comment about this traitor doing the work of the demonrats is this:
An A plus S_ _M Bag maggot