Vain and Aspiring Men

Slick Bobby
Vain and Aspiring Man

See additional comments on Tea Party Nation.

From The Hill:

A cloud of scandalous allegations is rapidly growing over Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), putting Democratic leaders in a difficult position as the integrity of their immigration point man in the Senate falls under question at a critical time.

The bad news keeps coming: a Senate Ethics probe, allegations involving underage prostitutes, an FBI investigation of a key campaign donor, undisclosed flights on the donor’s private plane, and now, reports linking Menendez to an existing multi-million dollar contract he urged officials to enforce for the disgraced donor.

Not only does Sen. Menendez hold one of the highest offices in the land, he is the  chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee. Questions?

1. The FBI was investigating Sen. Menendez prior to the 2012 elections but were shut down by Congress. Who in Congress is suppressing investigations by the FBI?

2. How does someone with a dubious record get reelected with 71% of the vote?

3. When will Slick Bobby step down?

4. Who will replace him?

5. Why is Gov. Christie praising him for redistribution? It is not the responsibility of the federal government to redistribute money to pay for natural disasters. Remember the Georgetown fire? It is time for a national sockdolager moment.

“Christie, who rarely has nice things to say about Menendez, in early January praised him in a news conference for his efforts to get federal aid for victims of Superstorm Sandy. At a campaign stop this week in East Newark, about 10 miles from Union City, the former federal prosecutor would not say what he makes of the latest allegations.”

So where does that leave the people? Menendez is not an isolated example of vain and aspiring men. Think about it. Would anyone argue that the majority of our “leaders” are not vain and aspiring men? And women? But then “what difference does it make” as we were recently chastised by one of the poster children for vain and aspiring women.

The last election showed that people will sell their vote for “things”. This is the fact that we were warned about that would signal the end of the Republic.

“If ever the Time should come, when vain and aspiring Men shall possess the highest Seats in Government, our Country will stand in Need of its experienced Patriots to prevent its Ruin.”

Samuel Adams

We were warned about this time and given a course of action. Our country stands in need of people who will stand up for Liberty. These vain and aspiring men are nothing more than domestic enemies. When will people honor their oath?

David DeGerolamo

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