Vax Everyone NOW, Vax Creating Variant, CDC Tyranny

What ever happened to the door knocking campaign from the Biden Administration to get the unvaxed, vaxed?  It appears to be replaced with a tyrannical panicked push to get everyone vaxed right now.  Kids, pregnant women, military and anyone unvaxed.  Get vaxed or get fired.  Legal cases are forming every day, and will religious exemptions save the day?  Pay no mind to science or constitutional rights.  Never mind the silly Nuremberg Code of 1947 that came out of the forced science experiments by Nazis doctors, they hanged by the way.  Who cares about the well documented volumes of science on natural immunity?  Half the country already has natural immunity according to top nationally recognized doctors.  So, for half the country, a CV19 vaccine is not needed.  “Get the damn vaccine” is the new narrative by evil vaxers.  According to people like Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, this panicked push is because the Covid scam is unraveling at high speed.

The dark Covid powers withheld cures like HCQ and Ivermectin and are still withholding them.  They are still letting people die so vax makers can continue making huge profits.  The so-called CV19 vaccine is creating the variants according to one Nobel Prize winning doctor.  Maybe this is why they are already rushing out a “booster.”  You don’t need a booster if you have natural immunity.  Natural immunity is much safer than getting an experimental mRNA gene therapy drug trial.  There is talk of the FDA approving the Jab as safe and effective when company documents and vax reporting data says they are not.  Who cares about facts and data, vax on and get that booster.

The Supreme Court ruled against the CDC and its moratorium on evictions for renters and homeowners not paying their bills.  That did not stop the all-knowing and all-powerful CDC from extending the eviction moratorium until October.  It was a tyrannical move on the Biden Administration’s part, but what’s the rule of law and the Supreme Court anyway?  A lawless economy is a dangerous economy.  Cut back on risk.

Read The Whole Article Here…

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NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago

Well the upside is once all of those sheep die off from the jab there will be more for the rest of us…

just sayin'
just sayin'
3 years ago

“Legal cases are forming every day, and will religious exemptions save the day?”

Here is the problem that I have identified with students or employees submitting to the religious exemptions…

If the organization that you are paying (big bucks) in exchange for education is mandating vaccines, then even if you are granted an exemption, you are financially supporting an organization that is committing crimes against does your religion respond to that? How different is it from donating to an abortion clinic?
If the organization that you are working for in exchange for money is mandating vaccines, then even if you are granted an exemption, you are supporting through your labor and financially benefiting from an organization that is committing crimes against humanity…how does your religion respond to that? How different is is from doing business with a drug dealer?

1 Thessalonians 5:22-
“Abstain from every form of evil.”
“Evil” is a translation of the Greek word G4190 poneros, used some 75 times in the New Testament, mostly as “evil” or “wickedness.” This kind of evil is both the act itself as well as the corrupting effect it has on others.

Isaiah 3:11-
“Woe unto the wicked! it shall be ill with him; for the reward of his hands shall be given him.”

After much thought, prayer, and guidance on this issue, I have come to conclude that religious exemptions will NOT save us. We are going to have to make sacrifices…sometimes BIG ones. I empathize with anyone in the position to have to make these BIG sacrifices. Just know…you are NOT alone!

…What do you think?

Not So Free
Not So Free
3 years ago

Greg interviewed Mike Lindell last night. worth watching.

3 years ago

Now normal folks are loosing their jobs because they are smart enough to not take the jab. Next you will not be able to buy food to feed your family. The CDC wants to round you up and put you in green camps for at least six months. I want to understand what will take normal red blooded americans mad enough too fight. So you were very comfortable before and didn’t want to risk everything SO WHAT ABOUT NOW ???? We need a martyr and a leader to move us forward. If some action does not happen soon there will be nothing left and all we will have will be small isolated pockets of resistance. Stop waiting for Trump, no one is coming to save us, get off your asses stare into the faces of your family and resolve the fight is for them not you. Yes life is already getting tough and will get shittier before this is done. Are you a man or not, will you stand up for God and truth, fear of the unknown is real, but sitting idly by waiting to see how bad it will get is not acceptable. They are only people who have names, homes and are also afraid of you. They are not superhuman and will fall if we organize against them but it takes courage to stand and say NO more and mean it. If you can not find the courage then all is lost


3 years ago

Consider this. If the ban on evictions goes to October they might not get evicted until spring, if then. Many cities and counties have bans on evicting people during cold weather. Oops.