Venezuela Burning


The conditions are right…for a coup. Large scale political unrest, severe economic problems based upon a mismanaged socialist economy(as per the standard) and brought even closer by plunging oil values. Coupled with violence unchecked, it won’t be long before a change is forced in.

The socialist government was voted out not that long ago; but what replaced it? The numbers of criminal vigilantes roaming the streets is nothing new either; for over a year now they’ve had endemic street crimes revolving around dirt bikers with machetes and sub machine guns- and it looks to be ramping up further.

Whenever there is economic strife, coupled with a large mass of disenfranchised and unemployed youth, and a government that fails to deliver, you have a coup; and almost 100% of the time, they’re sponsored from an outside source.


Conditions will worsen for the remainder of the month; the government teeters on default. Expect a bailout from Russia soon, even if Putin takes a loss. China will likely intervene as well. Like all forms of welfare, the money won’t last long. Expect something from the BRICS nations in the economics news.


h/t Matt Bracken

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9 years ago

Lets see, since the Marxist socialist were voted out of office and the new government left with a mess to clean up , just like democrats do. it is the Marxists that are out burning the country down. the people need to get smart to what these murderers are doing and grab the people setting the fires and kill all of them. this is what communists do when they lose elections , they begin the revolt in the name of social and economic justice while all along it was them who made the mess in the first place, Typical Bolshevik move on dumb and ignorant people who accept the lies, just like our democrat voters here in the U.S., every lie is accepted by the democratic party . every communist marxist Bolshevik must be shot in the head,.