John Ferguson, the CEOof Saxon Aerospace, a manufacturer of manned drones, gives his assessment of all the mysterious drones plaguing New Jersey and other places in America right now.
— Mila Joy (@MilaLovesJoe) December 14, 2024
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Yep, I think he is spot on, with denial they know what these drones are doing.
As I’ve already said, if someone really wants to know whose drones these are, take one down and see who drags you in for a federal indictment. This “sniffing” operation is a highly plausible theory, though the Ukrainian war head is probably not the actual concern being monitored for. Could also possibly be tracking RF activity in an area trying to triangulate radio signals (could be voice, could be data, could be specific vehicle telemetry, who knows) with greater accuracy than can be done quickly by ground based mobile units typically employed.
All true Big Ruckus D, maybe just maybe someone will take one down.
It’s .fedgov. You can count on reality and truth being the exact opposite of anything outta their lying piece of shit mouths.
This guy has a niche drone business with fed gov as customer. Seems to me the LAST thing he would do is make a tik tok comment on the drone issue, rizking pissing off his customer. The guy establishes creds and then pumps fear, just like his boss told him to. He has convinced me this whole tbing is a psyop.
Indeed, that made me a bit suspect of his motives as well. And yet, his theory is well within the realm of possibility, and it isn’t as if others wouldn’t have independently developed such an idea and floated it publicly. Could even be predictive programming, foreshadowing exactly the type of event that he claims they are there to monitor against. Since this guy does work for the govt, I’m sure if the CIA or NSA tells him to make a tiktok of whatever subject matter, he’ll play ball. After all, his paycheck -- and maybe his life -- depend on it.
I’ve also considered (as per my previous post) that they are monitoring communications of some sort that cannot be easily captured by other means, or that this whole thing is just a jerk off job side show to busy the public by focusing their attention on an obvious thing of little actual importance, without doing something truly outrageous and destructive.
Every time an event like this gets the tunnel vision treatment by the media and sheeple, it is usually running cover for something else they don’t want getting any real attention. Virtually no discussion is going on about syria, or pedo Joey’s pardons (and he is dropping a load of them) as just a couple of examples. So, I can also easily buy into the idea that the drone thing is just a “heat sink” for other stuff being done quietly and methodically under the radar that we won’t know about until it’s far too late.
It might seem to be a lot of trouble to go to as a mere smoke screen, until you consider that deploying a bunch of drones is a fairly low effort operation, and the government has no compunction at all about wasting piles of money on stupid crap.
Love my country and President Trump.
But I Don’t Trust Our Government!
Woukd these drones behave the way they are described behaving if they were searching for something? Has any grid search-like behaviour been observed?
No more…or less… plausible than any of the other theories.
We don’t know who or what, but we know they are not a danger, translation, they are ours and we ain’t telling you what or why!
Uh, no. 80 missing Ukrainian nucs?
Gee, why did Ukraine have nucs? Oh yeah, the Russians put them there when Ukraine was part of the FoSU. In other words they knew down to make, model, serial number of these weapons how many weapons there were. In the 90’s after the fall of FoSU, there was a fear in Russia and Western capitals that weapons that some of these weapons could end up in terrorist hands.
An agreement was reached between the USA, Europe Russia and Ukraine for the weapons to be turned over to Russia.
So when the Ukrainian, Russian and NATO observers got together for the transfer, they were short 80 weapons an noone noticed?
I can see it now:
Russian official: You are short 80 nuclear weapons
Ukranian official: We lost them in a boating accident.
Russian official: Ok, but only if you promise to keep looking for them.
If 80 nuclear warheads were missing, there would have been hairpulling, screaming and caterwalling in the world press, Russian, American and European capitals. Russia would have invaded Ukraine then and NATO would have probably helped!!
These are nuclear weapons!! Not crates of AK’s or GRAD rockets!! Russia was fighting in Chechnia against Islamists. You think they woul have not been worried about an ex-Russian nuc from Ukraine being used against some Russian city?
They are not looking for “lost Ukrainian nucs”