In the interest of clarity, based on some of the commentary here, NO, this is not a real song.
YES, the Pastor of the church in question has heard it and thinks it’s hilarious.
NO, it does not represent the beliefs of this congregation.
If your sense of humor is limited by your interpretation of the faith, that sounds like a conversation you need to have with your God.
I am praying Lord.
Me too, Tom, constantly.
It is a real song, but the lyrics are not! Over 30 yrs ago, I was leading a Bible study and later I heard some of those in it were horrified that I would actually dareto laugh during the study! I personally thought was very odd! Not long after that I quit as the Bible Study leader! Christians can be very odd, if they knew how the Creator God of the Universe saw things things would be differ.And yes many who profess to be Christians truly need to have regular conversations with Him.
annihilation is coming because of mans filthy reprobate ways, God does not want any to perish but if there is no repentance from mankind for there grievous sins, then God will do this thing. Remember God said he will take all of mans works on judgement day and it will all melt with fervent heat, in my book that’s complete destruction of the earth, so with this humor there is truth
One of the first looked up to figures for me when my life changed was a guy who always said ” God wants you to be happy and have fun”.
Ecc 12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.
BRAVO! BRAVO! & hahahahaha
Pardon me, if I pass on this one. I’m just kidding. I suppose a little humor now and then is good for the soul.
However, I could visualize this being sung in The First Church of What’s Happening Right Now. Can’t you?
Occasionally, if one still has hope, one can laugh at the sheer absurdity of their own situation.
He’s spot on. Lots of prayers here as well.
“In the interest of clarity, based on some of the commentary here, NO, this is not a real song.” “NO, it does not represent the beliefs of this congregation.”
DUH, that’s more flagrantly obvious than the sudden loss of the ability to breathe/respirate.
I love the fact that this was done with a straight face, but with tongue firmly planted in cheek. Reminds me of some of the Monty Python songs!!!
“Always look on the bright side of life…….”
This was absolutely hilarious! Only those without the “evil eye” of hypocrisy can truly appreciate this. Laughter is the best medicine. Can you imagine Jesus walking on earth with his followers and never taking time to laugh or sing? Thank you to the person in the video and the person posting it … could use more like this from time to time.