In Lusaka, Zambia, in response to Vice President Kamala Harris’s call for the private sector to promote and enhance climate resilience, adaptation and migration across Africa, the private sector made over $7 billion in new commitments. Additionally, the U.S. Government is announcing new federal funding and initiatives to expand access to climate information services and enhance climate resilience and adaptation. These new investments and initiatives will generate significant economic benefits while addressing African nations’ pressing needs resulting from the climate crisis, including food security challenges, by helping to lift-up over 116 million farmers and promote climate-smart agriculture. These announcements demonstrate America’s commitment to partnering with African people and governments, alongside the private sector, to help the continent meet its climate adaptation and resilience, clean-energy access, and just energy transition goals.
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Climate smart agriculture? Sounds like famine to me. The Greens are trying to restrict the use of fertilizer. They call it climate resilience.
We should be calling it “green genocide”.
Once you hear that word “climate” you know it’s all lies from there.
I smell Gates.
Yes, and he is a stench in the nostrils of God Almighty.
YEP , that is a stench that is unmistakable ! I keep praying ALMIGHTY GOD wipe that smirk the face of Gates of Hell & wipe him off the face of this Earth !
Where are they getting the money?
. Only congress can appropriate
im sure Greg Murphy voted for this
well now, that’s a great question. since we are technically at a standstill on the ceiling, and we are in debt up ten feet above our eyeballs, I’m sorta thinking ok that why Yellen confirmed that biden’s new plan is for an additional multi-trillion dollars’ worth in new taxes, that’s where they are getting that money.
So…… she should C.R.A.M. it????
help farmers my balls. Loan $ that cant be repaid and forclose
the starving children of africa will be eating joe bidens lunch, lol
Let’s all make woke jokes. (A woke guy walked into a bar…) We can repurpose old jokes, such as blonde jokes.
She needs to be arrested for crimes against children and young adults, she was involved in the drug cartels in California by looking the other way as well as taking bribes from the Cartels. She is also a child predator by allowing gang bangers and coyotes to traffic children across the California line with communist Mexico. she needs to be hanged for treason. The whore is not a naturalized citizen, she was not born here which does not make this slime bag eligible to be president if the ice cream cone eater Biden dies of which I pray soon.
The dollar laundry machine is in overdrive.
As there is 1000 million in every billion x 7 (for 7 billion) divided by 116 million farmers ASSISTED = 60 some odd million per farmer?
Am I misinterpreting the math? Please confirm the correct answer.
If my math’s correct what an awesome grift, errr donation to African farmers.