A Virginia mother’s impassioned speech before her children’s school board has gone viral after she pointed out that their mask policy is pure political theater and has “turned kids’ lives upside down at school for what is essentially a non-risk.”
Merianne Jenson tore apart officials on the Prince William County School Board, noting that other schools in the country have stayed open throughout the pandemic without mask mandates and operated perfectly normally.
If you haven’t already, get your kids out of the public indoctrination camps, NOW!!!!

AS has been stated in the article, immediately remove your children from the internment camps they call schools, their lives are in jeopardy.
A VirginIa mother [ WHO STILL SENT HER KID TO GUBMINT SCHOOLS]……despite the obvious torture!!!
There is nothing that the government does that adds value. Everything the government does turns to slug slime. So why do parents still send their children to government / communist / transgender indoctrination schools? All school districts have outlived their usefulness and should be shut down. Their results are horrible. All immoral property taxes and school taxes must be stopped. Children should be home schooled with help from home school networks, or local neighborhood schools taught by Christian conservative teachers whose backgrounds are well known. Cost for small neighborhood schools to paid for by the parents who have children that attend the local schools. Yes that means the end of tax payer funded aquatic centers and astro-turf stadiums. The time has passed for parents to use over funded schools districts to be nannies for their kids. Increasing school taxes to increase salaries for over-paid teachers that only work 170 to 180 days per year does not make little Johnny smarter. Keep in mind, in Japan children attend school for 240 days per year, and European children attend school for 220 days. It is no surprise that SAT scores have declined every year since approximately 1965. Professional educators are all communist / collectivists who do not see their role as teaching children the skills necessary to become productive and competitive. They see their role as protecting the teachers unions and communist indoctrination. Who is John Galt? TEXIT!
Our founding fathers threw tea over board! Us? It’s time to quit funding, supporting our own destruction! Our constitution has a provision to over throw this government if and when it ever goes rouge. The time is now! Let’s start by refusing to fund our execution. Stop paying taxes!