Violent Crime Is Surging In Major U.S. Cities And The Economy Is Not Even Crashing Yet

Violent Crime - Public Domain

Don’t let anyone tell you that crime is going down in America.  All over the United States, rates of violent crime in our major cities are increasing by double digit percentages.  Murders are way up, shootings are way up and rapes are way up.  So what is behind this sudden spike in crime?  In Baltimore, authorities are pointing to the racial tensions that were stirred up by the riots that erupted in protest to the death of Freddie Gray.  But what about the rest of the country?  From coast to coast, we are witnessing a dramatic increase in violent crime, and the economy is not even crashing yet.  So what is going to happen when the next great economic crisis hits us, unemployment skyrockets, and people really start hurting?

When I was surveying the news today, I was very surprised to learn that the murder rate in Milwaukee, Wisconsin has more than doubled so far this year…

Milwaukee, which had one of its lowest annual homicide totals in city history last year, has recorded 84 murders so far this year,more than double the 41 it tallied at the same point last year.

And of course Milwaukee is far from alone.  All over the U.S., violent crime is jumping dramatically.  Here is more from USA Today


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9 years ago


9 years ago

What should we expect, when we have flagrant lawlessness in the very highest seats of government?!?

And those charged with enforcing the law are, rather, directed to exert themselves in which hunts for “right-wing extremists” and other “homegrown terrorists”, rather than to focus upon the wave of illegal aliens -- many of whom *are* terrorists, repeat fellons, and welfare scammers -- and the droves of career criminals which infest cities such as New York, Baltimore, Chicago, Atlanta, etc.

Welcome to upsidedown land -- where murder is permissible (at least, if youre black), and self defense is a high crime.

Where bankers steal billions and are never charged, but where feeding the homeless is now a serious crime.

Where “the law” is a tool of compunction to separate a man from his conscience, rather than a framework for preserving the dignity and order of society.

Where Evil itself is in command, and goodness is driven into perdition…

We have, indeed, been warned.