Virginia Gun-Grabber Endangers The Public With A Lethal Weapon and Escapes All Charges!

CHRISTIANSBURG, Va. (WFXR) — A police officer let a Virginia legislator off with a warning when he was pulled over on suspicion of intoxicated driving.

A statement issued by Christiansburg officials says Montgomery Democrat Chris Hurst was stopped at about 2 a.m. on Sunday and blew a result of .085, just above the legal limit.

The officer was aware that Hurst is a delegate, but neither the officer nor Hurst mentioned it at any time during the encounter.

Additionally, according to Section IV, Article 9 of the Constitution of Virginia, unless they have committed treason, a felony, or a breach of peace, legislators are immune from arrest while the General Assembly is in session.

The officer was aware of the law’s existence because it is taught during the police academy, not because the officer or Hurst mentioned the law.

The provison of the State Constitution makes it highly unlikely that Hurst could have prosecuted in court, even if he had been arrested.


How’s that Voting working out for you? Isn’t this two tiered justice system wonderful?

UPDATE: Footage of his sobriety test.

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