Just curious? What will everyone say after they go vote tomorrow and their candidate of choice somehow lost to a Democrat who shouldn’t have never stood a chance?
I’ve had many interesting conversations over the past week with people who are planning on voting. They are shocked that I am not participating in this evil system that they continue to prop up and give legitimacy to.
Has anything been fixed with our voting methods since our country was stolen from us in the previous election?
But you’re going to continue to do the same thing and expect a different result?
There is only one way out of this mess that we are in, and it sure as hell isn’t voting.
Time is short. Evil is afoot and winning. We haven’t even entered the arena and begun to fight.
Enjoy your voting tomorrow. I’ll be looking forward to all the shocked faces come Wednesday.
An Army buddy sends out frequent reviews of the news, as he sees it. Today’s version had a comment that fits well with Wes’ thoughts in this missive:
NYT highlights the governor’s race in Virginia, where surging Republican sentiment is forcing the Democrat Party to decide whether they will actually allow a national election to be held in 2022. If the groundswell of support for Republicans continues across the nation, there is no way the Democrats will permit a national election which would sweep them out of power.
I repeat, for the benefit of those who might not have heard it the first two or three times: Federal law, confirmed by the Supreme Court, empowers the Congress to suspend or cancel all Federal elections, if a simple majority of both houses of Congress vote that a “national emergency” prevents conducting free and fair elections.
A national emergency is anything a majority of both houses say it is. Just like most of the totalitarian regimes in history which seized power through a rigged election, the election they stole is the last time the public gets to vote on anything. Read your history to confirm it.
In 2020, the Big News Media/Big Tech/Democrat Party axis tried to make the case that President Trump would refuse to vacate his position of power. Reckon they were revealing their own plans, for when they are able to seize control of the government?
This is no joke. The people saying that the Republicans will sweep the Democrat Party out of Congress in 2022 need to understand that that outcome could only happen if the Democrats allow it. So far they have shown no indication that they would be willing to surrender control under any circumstances. Think seriously about that likelihood.
And to you Second Amendment people I ask, Whom do you plan to shoot to make a legally cancelled election take place? Who would be the bad guys if that happened? Are you going to shoot the Federal judges as well? How does that advance the concept of Constitutional government?
Folks, we have trouble on our hands.
My Army Buddy is on target, IMHO, in saying the DemonicRats will prevent loss of power. Soon we patriots will have to decide what application of force is needed and where that should be applied. We must choose wisely…….
I agree with him that people with power NEVER give up power voluntarily.
“And to you Second Amendment people I ask, Whom do you plan to shoot to make a legally cancelled election take place? Who would be the bad guys if that happened? Are you going to shoot the Federal judges as well? How does that advance the concept of Constitutional government?”
And to this I would answer: “everyone”. You have to go scorched earth. Once everyone has been dealt with we can start fresh. You can’t leave a little cancer; all of it must be removed for the body to heal.
“Enjoy your voting tomorrow. I’ll be looking forward to all the shocked faces come Wednesday.”
This is a GREAT response! People forgot about 11/3/2020 after Trump left office (yes I am being generous) and back to “voting harder!”
I agree, once this starts they all have to be eliminated.
Thanks for the great pic of the sheep going to vote. That said it all.
Agreed, “It’s not the votes that count, it’s he who counts the votes.”
Until We The People unite and desire Dangerous Freedom over Secure Serfdom we will never overcome this Tyranny of Good Intentions and our children will suffer under the rule of Lesser Men.
Yep, your pic said it very well. The real conservatives in the RNC, those few who truly respect and revere constitutional government, have always been stabbed in the back by the RINO RNC leadership.
😳 People are still doing that…? (Just a bit of sarcasm. I saw what was happening and stopped that exercise a long time ago. No one would listen to me about it, though.)
Isn’t choosing evil a sin?
Second that.
Since Reagan that is what I have done ~ I didn’t see any other choice and actually hated voting for McCain and Romney! Time has proved that the Repub candidates have been useless between Reagan and Trump!
I basically hate politics and the past year has made this problem worse!
I agree but I still have to vote. Losing at elections is not new for me living in a democrap county outside a democrap city Columbus,Ohio. Just saying if Billionaires started suffering thru and thru’s that would be a start.
You are more than welcome to vote as long as you understand that it doesn’t count.
The last Federal election I voted in was when Obama first ran. I voted for Chuck Baldwin. My father, GRHS, told me I might as well have voted for Obama, but I was sick of the choice between two evils and McCain, IMHO, was not much better than Obama and a certified traitor, to boot. So I voted for a man I thought would serve well and honorably regardless of the fact that I knew his chances were zip. Haven’t voted in a Federal election since and have no plans to ever do so again. As I mentioned in a comment to another post, the only voting that counts right now is that done with one’s feet. Get. The. Hell. Away. From. Blue Hives! Or don’t. One gets what one earns …
The soap box has failed us. The vast majority of our politicians have failed us. They are, for the most part; unprincipled, lying, thieving, murdering, sexually perverted, blackmailed, bought-and-paid-for, godless piles of manure.
The jury box has failed us. The majority of our judges are appointed by the same scoundrels I described above. Do we really expect our judges to render constitutionally just decisions and to be “honorable” and godly men?”
The ballot box has failed us. Do we really expect our utterly evil and ungodly politicians to ensure that we have honest and “free and fair elections?”
The federal government is now hopelessly and utterly corrupt. It is totally controlled by the evil globalists who desire nothing less than to enslave us and our children’s children, forever
There is only one box left. And, the good news is this: that box is controlled by you.