Voting In Favor of “Breaks It”

UK voters stunned the world by shaking things up with their vote for “Brexit.” Here in the United States, we’ll soon be given the opportunity to vote for Donald Trump – and we think the odds are that if he’s given control of our government, he breaks it.

And we’re all for it.

This isn’t exactly a ringing endorsement of Donald Trump, whom we still think is a loudmouthed boob with sketchy, unworkable ideas and nary a conservative bone in his body. Rather, this isHope n’ Change’s declaration of complete and utter revulsion at everything going on in our government, and our long withheld belief that Donald Trump could not possibly – even incomplete and utter failure – be as bad for our nation as Hillary Clinton and a continuation of the current insidious, invidious, incestuous anti-American status quo which has rendered our government a dysfunctional mess.


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