Voting? More? And you expect what? Exactly?

Proud Boys members under hate crime investigation after disrupting East Bay drag queen story event. Unreal. First it was gay marriage would never be a slippery slope. Now if you try to stop pedophile tranny Drag Queens from mass-grooming crowds of children for pedophilia and turning them trans, you get arrested for “hate” of pedophile trannies, and government tells the trannies to please continue after they haul you away to the clink. Again, WE DO NOT ELECT OUR LEADERS. That is why the entire government is constantly fucking us with such aplomb. Source.

I have nothing to add. This speaks for itself.


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2 years ago

I absolutely agree with you. We have reached a level of depravity in this country that only God can destroy.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Your children are in harm’s way if they are still in government schools, why are they still there? Maybe you do not have a choice, they are being tortured and indoctrinated.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Right on! Getting vaxed too!

2 years ago

The United States of America vs ameriKa. Choose wisely

“Your freedom of expression of yourselves in drag is what America is all about.”

Don't mind me
Don't mind me
2 years ago

What I ask every parent:
How much time do you spend every day deprogramming your kids from their government education?
How much time does it take to homeschool your kids?
The answer may surprise you. In fact, you may actually spend less time homescooling them.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

A few years ago in Cookeville, TN there was a drag queen reading at the library (have a few videos on YT). We showed up with about 200 people to protest. The sad part was most of us were from out of town. I know for sure within a half or so there was 3 churches that had over 1000 members per church. The only church in town that showed up was a small (maybe 30 members) Baptist church (the pastor organized it with the King of Kings radio station). They did move the drag queen reading, but no one communicated what happened after that.

The reason I said this is to point out it only happen if the church lets it happen. Arrest or no arrest we Christians need to stand tall against Satan’s attacks. If we do not want to be arrested we need to stop them from arresting us.

Oh yeah, and they queens were demon possessed. I am quit sure of that.

Last edited 2 years ago by Thomas Angle
Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

I live in Fairfield Glade, bout an hour east. Our son went to TN Tech. People fought me tooth and nail. I had a very open minded editor that allowed a half dozen letters to the editor. No one wanted to change so I dumped my e -- subscription.
Cookville is not the only spiritually bankrupt place. Had the denominational heads across the country defied the Covid tyranny, it would have sank the plandemic. Instead, they joined hands with the gubmint. The virtual sole exception was Pastor Chuck Baldwin of Montana, a tremendous Christian patriot.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

It seems to be everywhere.

Aime Hart
Aime Hart
2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

All of this is very sad to me and I think God probably feels worse than I do about it.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  Aime Hart

It was a sad time for me. I wanted to move to the Bible Belt to find a good church and do so mission work with good Christians. There was also a gay bar and 2 homo camps in the area. I searched for months for a man to go with the to the camp(s) to witness (God told me to go). I got passed around from pastor to pastor, told all we could do was pray, and them on up the ladder to the Baptist mission leader in the area. Not one man would go with me. After the realization that I was playing Moses at the burning bush, My wife offered to go. I made her stay at the car. It was them that I realized just how far the Church has disintegrated. There were other things like pastors cheating kids, the simmer fling sung at a youth camp by a youth pastor and his wife. I think that all this was shown to me to drive me to speak out more in church. It was God telling me that we are not to tolerate any evil and to speak out against it whenever it raises it’s head. Do not let it make you sad, let it drive you to make a stand for The Gospel. Do not back down and stand tall.

BTW, sometimes, if I think about it all, it saddens me deeply. I do wish it was a better time. But we have the privilege to now and make a stand in hard time. God chose us to do it. Think about that for a while. No matter how in adequate we feel, He chose us to be here and to stand tall.

Last edited 2 years ago by Thomas Angle
Elder Son
Elder Son
2 years ago

Our Heavenly Father: They think they’re going to vote republican and that I AM going to let them off the hook for their tolerance.

Put your armor on and sharpen your swords.

2 years ago

These Pedophiles don’t get voted out.
The UNIparty won’t toss those votes.

They are either….Dealt With or Accepted.
Have you Chosen???