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a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 month ago

How many Mausoleums does one man have?
How much would the world change if we had Christ without religion?

Last edited 1 month ago by a follower, working on it.
tom finley
tom finley
1 month ago

Throughout the history of Israel, it has shown Israel loved the darkness rather than the light, it is no different today.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 month ago
Reply to  tom finley

Tom, would you agree we need to tread carefully?
Men, not Israel, Not Israel alone, John 3:19
And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

tom finley
tom finley
1 month ago

I am talking about their leadership not the people. Our leaders are the same, not the majority of the people, this is a worldwide spiritual malady.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 month ago
Reply to  tom finley

i agree.

Ben Trolone
Ben Trolone
1 month ago

In 1 Thessalonians 2 the apostle Paul has the following to say:
14 For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews:
15 Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men:
16 Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins alway: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost.
Note especially verses 15 and 16. Do they sound like the chosenites?

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 month ago
Reply to  Ben Trolone

Seems like Paul is speaking of both.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 month ago
Reply to  Ben Trolone

Just because they are Gods chosen people does not mean they all will choose His Son. Does not mean many have not.
They are as divided as many of us seem to be. we can only unite through Mashiak, His blood, His teachings, our willingness to follow.

wv citybilly
wv citybilly
1 month ago


Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
1 month ago
Reply to  wv citybilly

Got that right

Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
1 month ago

I doubt peter was in there. I doubt you westernized Christians would recognize very much of any in there as Christian in nature. eastern Christianity is very different from the darby-ized version here in the west. Besides if God was guarding that house .how did that happen?

1 month ago

How much ammo and weaponry was Hezbollah storing in the mausoleum…..

Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
1 month ago
Reply to  Thexrayboy

Wepons much.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 month ago
Reply to  Thexrayboy

I was gonna say the exact same thing! Lol!

1 month ago
Reply to  Thexrayboy

Gonna ask the same question.

Throughout this conflict, whether in Gaza or Lebanon, the Muzrats are infamous for hiding weapons and personnel inside “protected sites”. Those with at least a passing familiarity with the so-called “Rules of War” understand that doing so removes the protection afforded by historic status, graveyards, hospitals, etc.

And it’s a clever tactic, particularly here. It gets the Christians all riled up -- thus, it’s a no-lose scenario for the Muzrats. If Israel doesn’t bomb it, they keep their weapons. If Israel does, all the good useful idiots cry about Israel attacking a Christian site.

You people ARE familiar with the attitude towards Christians the Muzrats have?

Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
1 month ago

Apparently some people hate Jews so much that it blinds them to their own standing with the Islamos.

1 month ago
Reply to  Rabbi Will

LOL no some of us distrust Jews AND Islam.

But Islam doesn’t own Pornhub. Wanna guess what Rabbi does?

Islam hasn’t been proven to help the Potatoes government import illegals into America. Wanna guess whose NGO’s and “Charities” DO?

Islam Doesn’t BUY our Politicians, AIPIC Does. Who is AIPIC?

I want good neighbors. Could you tell me WHY your folks have been chased out of so many counties over the known history of man?

Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
1 month ago
Reply to  Michael

You are painting with a broad brush! Many Jews would never involve themselves in such evil! And you are mistaken to think no Muslims are involved in the porn or trafficking industries.

Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
1 month ago
Reply to  Michael

I thought antisemitism was fake! Now you admit weve been kicked out of many countries. So make up your mind have we been chased out. Or have we been in control. One or the other. Or you could just man up and admit you hate them Jews.

1 month ago
Reply to  Rabbi Will

Hello, Antisemitism, is a bogus word.

Palestinians are semitic. So, killing them is antisemitism?

SNIP Semitic people or Semites is a term for an ethnic, cultural or racial group[2][3][4][5] associated with people of the Middle East, including Arabs, Jews, Akkadians, and Phoenicians. The terminology is now largely unused outside the grouping “Semitic languages” in linguistics.[6][7][8] First used in the 1770s by members of the Göttingen school of history, this biblical terminology for race was derived from Shem (Hebrew: שֵׁם), one of the three sons of Noah in the Book of Genesis,[9] together with the parallel terms Hamites and Japhetites.

Anti- was created to keep pounding home the “Horrors” against the Jews. Give it a rest. Currently the IDF is QUITE BUSY doing the anti-semitism THING against actual semites aka Palestinians.

Broad brush? No sir, I am being kind. I could mention Trotsky was Jewish. And an AMAZING number of other infamous people in history.

SNIP The Rothschild family (/ˈrɒθ(s)tʃaɪld/ ROTH(S)-chylde German: [ˈʁoːt.ʃɪlt]) is a wealthy Ashkenazi Jewish noble banking family originally from Frankfurt.

You know the famous quote about “Controlling the money and I care NOTHING about who writes the laws” stuff.

What percentage of the US Government IS Jewish?

Kind of AMAZING given the rather SMALL Percentage of the World Population identifies as Jewish, isn’t it?

There is nothing in the world worse than a false choice, Sir. You can be driven out after pulling too many offensive actions WHILE IN Power.

AND BTW you still cannot deny the FACTS of my post. Who runs AIPAC that OWNS so many of our politicians?

Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
1 month ago
Reply to  Michael

Thank you.

1 month ago
Reply to  Rabbi Will

Your welcome.

Israel fell out of God’s grace and into destruction and slavery more than once.

Zionism seems to be current problem with Israel. It’s so odd how many Jews live peaceful lives in Muslim countries, paying their Muslim taxes. Seems from my research Muslim taxes are cheaper than Israeli taxes.

Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
1 month ago
Reply to  Michael

Why dont you go to an islamic empire and try out that peace and low taxes.

1 month ago
Reply to  Rabbi Will

I don’t feel a need to move to England, sorry old chap.

1 month ago
Reply to  Michael

The “Andalusian paradise” was a myth.

Jews in Arab countries are dhimmis -- second class citizens.

1 month ago

Oddly enough I checked. NOTHING in Islamic Law prohibits them from LEAVING.

No rich American Jews willing to help them love into the “Safety and Prosperity” of Israel?

Yet they stay, odd that. BTW Nitzakhon, I’ve BEEN to Syria, Lebanon and seen the happy enough lives of Jewish Citizens IN those Countries PRIOR to the Zionist “Defensive attacks” of the past 20 years or so.

HAVE YOU EVER been to the middle east Nitzakhon?

BTW it’s hard to CLAIM the Moral High Ground when your Israel is treating Arabs as Second Class Citizens and holding them in open air ghettos.

I’ve BEEN to West Berlin, saw checkpoint Charlie.
Saw it again in Gaza

Been to the work camps of Dachau
Saw it in Gaza

Just like the Nazi’s you so hate.

Hard to defend the Holocaust when Israel is DOING IT to fellow Semites aka Palestinians.

a member of any of the peoples who speak or spoke a Semitic language, including in particular the Jews and Arabs.

comment image

Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
1 month ago
Reply to  Michael

This place is almost a neo nazi site. Have you guys ever tried the daily stormer? You would love it.

1 month ago
Reply to  Rabbi Will

Pathetic even for you sir.

FACTS MATTER, your feelings don’t matter.

Nothing forces you to read here.

HAVE YOU BEEN TO GAZA? Or are you repeating the Party Line from afar?

Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
1 month ago
Reply to  Michael

Let’s not get stupid here. Have you been to Judea or Samaria. Gaza is a made up name. Were you under American military uniform/ protection. Which side of that fence were you quartered on. Do you have relatives fighting in that war. Let alone relatives on both sides of the conflict fighting and dying? This is OUR brother war. You could be a good military pawn know your role and keep your opinions on it where they belong. American but out!

1 month ago
Reply to  Rabbi Will


Have YOU Rabbi Will BEEN TO GAZA?

I have been there in post-retirement medical missions. I was on both sides of the fence. Even did a little tourist thing before flying home to my nice safe America.

SO, Answer the Question SIR. Have you Rabbi Will BEEN to Gaza recently?

Nothing stupid here. Are you speaking from PERSONAL EXPERENCE or just parroting the Official Jewish Party line.
BTW common name for the area the Palestinians are trapped in an ever-shrinking open air ghetto is GAZA. Forget the fancy arguments about the names involved.


It is also Genocide of a ghetto just like the Nazi’s in the Polish Ghetto.

The Jews of the ghetto barely had scavenged arms and the Nazi’s had troops, armor and aircraft.

ODDLY now the Jews have all the heavy weapons, and the Palestinians have the scavenged weapons.

Ironic, eh?

I’ve already posted a link and proof that the USA has been supplying and funding this Genocidal war to some 70% PLUS of all costs involved.

That Doesn’t count US Naval support “Defending” Israel with our anti-missile missiles (OH BTW our Military Cupboard is almost empty).

SNIP The United States committed over $3.3 billion in foreign assistance to Israel in 2022, the most recent year for which data exists.[1] About $8.8 million of that went toward the country’s economy, while 99.7% of the aid went to the Israeli military.

America needs to stop sending support to Israel, they are a sovereign country as they tell us often. They have big boy pants now.

Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
1 month ago
Reply to  Michael

We agree on one point. I mean what I said. America should withdraw completely from the region. No more wepons. No more cash. That’s about all we’re going to agree on though.

1 month ago
Reply to  Rabbi Will

So, in other words you’re NOT going to say you have Personal experience in the Gaza open air ghetto genocide.
Sad, when the “High Moral Ground” is merely FEELINGS. That facts on the ground and History of the Jewish Holocaust only APPLIED IF it’s Jews getting slaughtered in a ghetto.
Your opinion is noted.

Remember when you start throwing mud about NC Renegades from your own words:

SNIP Rabbi Will
 3 hours ago
 Reply to Michael
This place is almost a neo nazi site. Have you guys ever tried the daily stormer? You would love it.

And someone who has ACTUALLY BEEN to Gaza, Dachau and Check Point Charlie during the Iron Curtain era is BY YOUR OWN Words:

SNIP Rabbi Will
 2 hours ago
 Reply to Michael
Let’s not get stupid here. Have you been to Judea or Samaria. Gaza is a made up name. Were you under American military uniform/ protection. Which side of that fence were you quartered on. Do you have relatives fighting in that war. Let alone relatives on both sides of the conflict fighting and dying? This is OUR brother war. You could be a good military pawn know your role and keep your opinions on it where they belong. American but out!

Military PAWN eh?

I gave you respect, presented real world facts and you dropped a bunch of Feelings and fighting words on me.

Want respect Rabbi Will, SHOW Respect and discuss FACTS.

Don't mind me
Don't mind me
1 month ago
Reply to  Rabbi Will

Most Jews (97%) aren’t even semites.

Don't mind me
Don't mind me
1 month ago

Muslims, Jews and Christians in the Levant lived side by side in peace for almost two thousand years. Until 1947. What happened?

1 month ago
Reply to  Don't mind me

Nice myth bro.
Hebron massacre. Nebi Musa riots. Just to name two.
Crusades were in response to WHAT, again?
Look up the Pact of Umar (Omar) to see how Christians (never mind Jews) were treated.

1 month ago

Nitzakhon I wish you spent some time living in the Middle East like I did. Eye opening.

The Middle East has been forever the land of “Eye for eye” vengeance.

Jews massacred others, others massacred Jews, everybody massacred somebody over a long enough timeline.

But in general folks that were good neighbors somehow managed to live generations side by side aside from outsiders’ massacres. Like the Crusades and Saladin’s armies.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 month ago

Who should we Trust ? blindly? mans government, Jews, Islam, Christians?
Reading Titus 1 12:16 this morning.

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
1 month ago

The term “anti semitism” was invented by the heinous, blood thirsty murderers that we call communists who reveled in the torture, rape, insanely cruel and purposeful maiming, mass starvation and death camps in Russia in 1917. They brutally murdered 66 million Russians all told. Eventually they made “anti semitism” illegal in communist Russia. Then they could accuse and torture and jail and murder their critics under the color of law-because they were (nearly) all joos. Go figure. There is no anti caucasianism. There is no anti africanism. There is no anti hispanicism. Only one group gets to both name and to outlaw when people criticize their criminality. Only one group. The word “racism” was also coined by one of the commie joos. “Ever screaming in pain with each blow they deliver as they beat their victims to death.” It is communists that declare if you are against communism then you are a nazi. Translated to the quiet subtext-“if you are against our demonic insanity then you are for another demonic insanity.” That is not realistic. Most people do not willingly traffick in the demonic, but if you are possessed by the demons of communism, perhaps that is all you can know. The commie/anti commie assertion translated in real world, real life reality-“if you are against demonic insanity then we will destroy you.” As controlled and distorted history is, I assume that in most cases fascism arose as a national defense against communism and was raised by peoples that saw what the joos did in Russia and did not want their families and countrymen to suffer a similar fate. And the more you learn about the horrors the joo communists perpetrated in Russia, the more one must wonder how much of the “crimes against humanity” for which the Germans were accused were mere projection on the part of the communists and their butt buddies, the zionists. Joos gave Hitler financial support to enable his rise to head of Nazi Germany-why would they do that? Why would they provide support to a man that spoke openly against the joos and their crimes? Hitler then played his part well enough that they could use the aftermath of WWII to create their zionist state in the middle east. No sane man can ever not wonder why in fact the US didn’t fight against the communists instead of the Germans. The brother wars in Europe in the twentieth century and the 100,000,000 victims of communism are the true holocaust. Anti semitism is a falsehood. A fabrication. A massive conspiratorial effort to obfuscate the criminality of the joos, and a mask behind which the elite joos can hide behind to shield people from their efforts to take over and then destroy the world.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 month ago

So David,Alex Linder,Is this what Renegade and Trusting in the “Lord” has come down too?We should not vet our servants who have seemingly become or leaders possibly gods to some? i tried to speak with you 12 days ago. Of course i hope you see the ridiculousness that followed. Any thoughts at all?
https://ncrenegade.com/space-force/#commentsafollower, working on it. 12 days ago Reply to DRenegadeDave, i know you do not want to see it. But do you remember being told and advised to look in to the character of the man? His wife, His associates etc. Trump and Musk and anyone else connected. JD Vance, Peter Thiel.Musk at the moment seems very apparent to be Trumps right hand man. Could be Important.we should not Judge these men, but we should look into them and see beyond the surface.
The ‘world’ keeps telling us, that History is written by “the winners.” Causing us (what?) not to trust history? Why should we trust the losers? Are they percieved as being more trustworthy?Are the winners always in the Right? Just because someone is stronger does not prove they are in the Right.

Last edited 1 month ago by a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 month ago

i as a follower of Yahusha Mashiak (Jesus the Messiah) would be very interested in the BIBLE passages that point to the JEWS as the ‘only’ evil in this world. And that prophecy that tells us they will take over the world in their evil ways.
Show us where all of Islam etc. are the victims and have been living accordingly to Gods directives. Seems to me as if many have fallen short but i have been wrong before.
Come on believers it should not be that difficult to find with all this fine technology at your finger tips. Show us where your hearts truly are!

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
1 month ago

The Jews are not the source of evil. Babylon, specifically the Talmudian mystery schools which teach the human sacrifice, sex rites, transgenderism and homosexuality, rape and forced enslavement, money magick, word magick and blood and sex magick are the source of all the evil. Jew connotes “of the tribe of Judah”. Joos adopted themselves into Jewry. They practice demonism, blood rituals, graft, fraud and theft at a mammoth scale. They hate God and mock and ridicule Jesus just like children of the devil. They hate Christians and they rape and murder children because they believe they are causing direct harm to God when they do so. They are the seed of Caine-the Kenites. This is all covered in The Revelation and elsewhere in The Bible. I recommend that you get a Companion Bible in KJV and avoid the masonic crafted version you’ve been using. But you must have “eyes to see and ears to hear”. One thing that is often misunderstood is the prefix “anti”. In the modern day, anti means opposite. In the day The Bible was written the word meant “instead of”. We read ant christ as in opposition to Christ. Anti christs, though, are “instead of Christ’s”. Cheap fakes, surrogates, imitations. The anti christ will not likely be a horrific nightmarish monster. He will very likely be operating like Jesus. “You will know them by their fruits” is the warning that Jesus gives us. Jesus said “I did not come to bring peace, but a sword”. And yet we are to abide the tares until Jesus returns so that no wheat is uprooted. But we won’t turn the tares to wheat. We can’t.

1 month ago

Thank you Follower for giving us illiterate Christians the whole Hebrew (but NOT written in Hebrew) name nicely written out in the common tongue here in NC Renegade English.

So much research you do for us. To edify the body no doubt.

Martin Luther might have approved. BTW I challenge you not to shortcut like you did so many times with Mashiak as that isn’t Jesuses name as it means ONLY the anointed one as I sent that Judaism 101 snip about. Kings were anointed in that time and were Mashiak.

Philippians 2:1-4
Therefore if you have any encouragement in Christ, if any comfort from His love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any affection and compassion, / then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being united in spirit and purpose. / Do nothing out of selfish ambition or empty pride, but in humility consider others more important than yourselves. …

BTW your Straw man argument that folks here

i as a follower of Yahusha Mashiak (Jesus the Messiah) would be very interested in the BIBLE passages that point to the JEWS as the ‘only’ evil in this world. And that prophecy that tells us they will take over the world in their evil ways.
Show us where all of Islam etc. are the victims and have been living accordingly to Gods directives. Seems to me as if many have fallen short but i have been wrong before.
Come on believers it should not be that difficult to find with all this fine technology at your finger tips. Show us where your hearts truly are!

Is a Shame for such a well educated and religious leader such as yourself.

See Follower give sarcasm, GET Sarcasm.

Nobody here thinks the Jews are the source of “All Evil”. Man is Sinful in nature.

Many scriptures point this out but no doubt you’ve memorized them all, yet you Strawman us. Here’s one:
Mark 7:21
For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed the evil thoughts, fornications, thefts, murders, adulteries,
Source: https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/Man~s-Sinful-Nature

Jews for their small percentage of the total numbers of people on earth seem VERY WELL Represented in INFAMOUS People of current historical records and current life Today.

George Soros, Zelensky, The Rothschilds, Trotsky. Marx, the Bolsheviks , and a HUGE Number of our currently SELECTED by AIPAC Politicians for a few.

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1 month ago
Reply to  Michael

Come on Follower you can do better than that with your multi ISP’s to down arrow me. I notice since you returned all my posts have 4 down arrows each.

Get busy man.