Walking out on the Russians and not talking to them. THIS will lead to war.

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2 years ago

We have been provoking Russia and are at war, we have no interest in peace!
Prep and pray!

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

The psychopaths running the puppet regime in DC are committed to mass genocide and world control. It seems hopeless to stop them, there is no real resistance to speak of at this point. Since the fraudulent election, the demented puppet has destroyed what was left of the Republic. I don’t believe he is cognizant or aware of just what he is doing on a daily basis. He is in the throws of dementia that is his reality, the rest of the criminal goons in the uniparty in DC and at the state and local level are just as delusional. Time is quickly running out if we are to survive, it is just that simple, there is no grey areas it is pick up our weapons and kill every last one of them or perish.

2 years ago

Worse, imo…
The West’s Assault/Cancelling/Economic Warfare on the everyday Russian and the Politicians Kids.

Now thats how ya make Allies.🤡🤡🤡

2 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Even Worse as We are INVADED over the Southern Border without even a Whimper. Furl the Flag and take a knee. I include myself in the “Do Nothings”, sadly apathetic and unwilling to save the democRat ProgreSSives from their own hell.
The West’s Assault/Cancelling/Economic Warfare on the everyday Americans.

2 years ago

I hope Putin and the Ruskies somehow know that the Average Joe Six Pack in the US just wants to live his life and basically be left alone. Alas, the Military Industrial Complex, the Pharmaceutical Industry Complex, the Educational Industrial Complex will have none of it. We’re like little pawns being run into the ground by the synagogue of satan. Can you say Kayan, Noodleman (Nuland), Blinken, Rothschild?

robehr orinsky
robehr orinsky
2 years ago

I built my fallout shelter 22 years ago . If you didn’t see this coming you were asleep . You gonna’ start tomorrow ? A hole in the ground ain’t all that expensive . If you’re close to me I can dig it for you with my backhoe attachment in two hours . $150 for block . $20 for mortar. Concrete mix runs around $40 for 15 bags . Rebar about $30 . Treated wood for stairs and a steel door $250 . Search for educational potassium iodide. 100 grams around $25 . 100 grams is 100,000 milligrams divided by 130 milligrams per dose is 770 adult doses .
Dosing Instructions:
Newborns (birth – 1 month): 16 mg (1/4 65 mg tablet)
Infants (1 month – 3 years): 32 mg (1/2 65 mg tablet)
Children (3–18): 65 mg (1 full tablet)
Adults (18+): 130 mg (2 tablets

2 years ago

The criminals in power NEED war. Therefore we will have war.