War Drums Turning to War

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General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
7 months ago

The technological advantage that Israel has enjoyed over its local adversaries is rapidly evaporating--and in many instances has completely been eliminated. When Israeli tanks and armor start rolling into Lebanon, I believe that you are going to see a massive slaughter on the scale of the Battle of Kursk in WWII. I will bet you all that Hezbollah has amassed a huge arsenal of ATGM’s of all types--and is currently setting up clever ambushes for Israel. Now combine this with unbelievable missile barages aimed at Israeli cities--overwhelming their Iron Dome systems and I will not be surprised if some areas of Israel resemble Dresden post WWII. Iran most likely has a few nukes up their sleeves and when the Iron Dome system is depleted--then they will launch against Haifa and Tel Aviv. And most likely they will have armed their conventional missiles with dirty bombs--so even if they are intercepted, they will contaminate large swaths of territory.