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3 years ago

I realize that what I am about to say won’t settle well with a lot of folks; but considering the overall picture, it seems to me that the best option for getting the ball rolling legitimately is for us to actually be invaded by whomever (China, Russia, blue helmets). In that situation anything goes and to hell with DC and those opposed to us. Gonna happen sometime anyway.

3 years ago

You are right on. China has been bleeding us out for years while they build a massive military. They are staying above the fight, letting others do their dirty work. There will be nothing to stop China. The U.S. is not what it once was, we are lazy and oblivious. I am pretty sure we can’t beat anyone with our stockpile of rainbow flags. Chuck Harder made an excellent point in the 80’s. What saved the U.S, during WWII was our factories. We not only don’t have many useful factories, but much, if not most of, what we need to equip the U.S. is made in China and when they are ready to strike, we will fail and fall due to greed and stupidity.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
3 years ago

Why did Russian troops seize Chernobyl? To keep radical militias from blowing it up and blaming the Russians. Any one see Victoria Nuland? She is the US UnderSecretary of State for stealing stuff from Ukraine. She overthrew the Ukraine government back in 2014. This is her handy work.

3 years ago

All of our Leftists Congress people needed to be unseated one way or another and anyway works for me. Where the heck is the military who’s oath is to the Constitution. Where the heck are the US Marshalls? Where are our militias? There has got to be some Americans who feel as I do. Biden and his crew are not on our side. Not on the side of America. They are enemies of the state and should be treated as such.