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Steven Fishman
Steven Fishman
2 years ago

Wes, you are 1000% right about the real estate crash coming, but for the wrong reason. The Eugenics Depopulation Lethal Injection Bioweapon [a/k/a “vaccine”] will kill 200 million Americans. There is NO CURE!

The Messenger RNA suicide shot is NOT a “vaccine.” Vaccines contain antibodies that prevent disease. This monstrosity is an Experimental Eugenics Depopulation Lethal Injection Bioweapon that will kill EVERYONE who has been injected within 2 to 10 years. Why? Because Messenger RNA contains cytokine storms of spike proteins and prions [Prions cause Mad Cow Disease in cattle]. EACH jab, according to Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, contains 50 BILLION spike proteins which replicate in the human body, fighting the heart, lungs, and brain for oxygen UNTIL THE VICTIM DIES !!! There is NO CURE !!!

What is a “variant” anyway?

What does a “variant” actually vary from? No one has answered that question. Why, because all of the COVID strains are nothing more than a campaign of fear to force sheeple to get “vaccinated” so they will be killed from the lethal effects of Spike Proteins and Prions comprised of Graphene Oxide which deprives your heart, lungs, blood, and brain of oxygen until you die while it turns your blood into sludge; and Graphene Hydroxide which contains microscopic nano-razor blades which slices and dices your blood cells into shreds until you drop dead. THERE IS NO CURE FOR THE LETHAL INJECTION BIOWEAPON!!! 

So what happens when 200 Million Americans die between now and 2030? Real estate prices crash. There are no people left alive to buy homes for sale. The market is glutted with real estate from the dead. A $1 million dollar house will be sold for $50,000 if the owner [or his estate] is lucky.

I thought I should point it out, especially with the proliferation of the Hemhorragic Fever Nerve Virus that has been unleashed in the Olympic Games and at the 2-13-2020 Super Bowl. Incubation period is 4 weeks. People will bleed to death through their nose, mouth, eyes, ears and any open orifice. 2 billion will die worldwide. A 32% kill rate is projected. It makes COVID look like a common cold. If you own real estate, sell it now. By the end of 2023 there will be no buyers.