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- Balanced Rock on I’ll Take Your Recession
- Balanced Rock on All We Have to Decide Is…
- foot in the forest on I’ll Take Your Recession
- Terry Clinch on The Path Forward
- poppi on The Path Forward
spot on !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was really trying to stay off the radar but somebody’s got to say it.
Zombie gets it and I would hope others do to, Why do you think that they are letting people flow into this country? We can call it a border crises all we want when in fact it’s a giant walking petri dish of disease being unleashed upon us. This new covid strain mostly in the southern states and spreading.
We now have people coming from countries that run wild with Aids, Ebola and God knows what else, all being planted all over in small and big town America, do you see the big picture yet?
If you have not noticed that they are trying to pit the vaccinated against unvaccinated you better start looking. Yes they do have list of who has taken the jab, the pharmacy does enter it into a data base. So yes Zombie is close to upcoming events but I believe they will much worse than thought.
No need in biting tongue anymore!! It won’t matter… and bullets don’t beat bio! So, hope people wake up QUICK
And… they are going to feed and house the illegal aliens with our tax dollars. So as the dollar becomes worth less and less, and supply lines begin to break, we are competing with our own government for dwindling food resources.
It won’t Matter at this point!! We are more vulnerable than ever, to our enemies and even our own gov..This woke military now!!! COME ON!!
WHY Wouldn’t they take advantage of this pandemic?? We fell right in!!
Better get this party started patriots… Screw these complicit Agencies that are only against We the people!! They started this shit!
I know more bio attack are coming!! A lot more.. look how we handled this one🤨
Btw..lots of varely vetted Afghans will be coming, or already are coming in to USA. We have to protect them for “helping in mid east”
Sooo…Guess who they will send…yep, the most radical and disease infested ones they have. #my opinion
I don’t hide it!!
only good ole’ fashion killin’ the bad guys is gonna have a chance at stopping this.
better find out whom the real enemy are folks.
Well at least we don’t have to sit around waiting much longer. Seems we have been nice and compliant long enough. God Bless.
50% of all kids entering kindergarten in the US are non White. Every year that percentage goes higher. Let that sink in.