Was John Adams Correct?

Our nation is not moral or religious. Our morality was destroyed by the government, media and entertainment industry. We only have to look in the mirror to see the measure of our religious faith. The loss or marginalization of our faith was increased by our cultural decay but both attacks were necessary to bring down our Republic.

We still celebrate the 4th of July (some of us celebrate the 2nd of July) but eating hot dogs and watching fireworks does not ensure or regain Liberty. The time and date of our Republic’s demise is debatable but January 6th is as good a date as any. It is also a date to restore a Republic based on morality and our Christian founding principles.

As January 6th becomes a symbol of national tyranny (show Congressional hearing, show trials, murders and illegal detentions), we should reflect on what to do to regain the Lord’s favor.

  1. Ask for forgiveness.
  2. Pray for discernment.
  3. Do not comply with evil.
  4. Do not fund evil.
  5. Do not comply.
  6. Resist.

The choices are before us. No one said it was easy but doing the right things in evil times never is. Resistance to tyranny is not insurrection; it is our sacred duty.

A question from our past to consider:

Can any one reason be assigned why 160,000 electors in the island of Great Britain should give law to four millions in the states of America?

Thomas Jefferson, July 1774

I could rewrite this to ask why 535 members in Congress should write law for 332 million people in the states of America? But that would not address executive orders, activist judicial rulings, agency regulations and our two-tiered justice system.

But rewriting a fiction does not change anything. Everyone knows Donald Trump is the duly elected President of the country. Tyranny and denial do not change the truth. When people knowingly accept tyranny, lawlessness and murder, why would we need to discuss electors who not elected?

Opportunity is coming for righteous people; prepare to act accordingly. If you have any doubts, look first to God and then into the eyes of your children. And yes, John Adams was correct.

David DeGerolamo

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tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Yes, John Adams was correct, the founding fathers studied history and sought God, for wisdom and discernment. This vile regime has created anarchy, just as their heroes before them, Stalin, Mao, castro, Pol Pot. Now their final move to dis-arm the American citizen, follows that same path. I ani’t given up s#it, We need to take back our liberty and freedom, and there is only one way, and that is to take it.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

I found this…

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  OPM

Thanks for that OPM.

2 years ago

My Grandpa immigrated from Italy in 1915, and said Prohibition was when this country lost it’s Morals.

Tragedy of the Commons
Tragedy of the Commons
2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Prohibition was when the US government poisoned the liquor and killed
10,000 people. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago