Was the Whole Pandemic About the Vaccine?

From all the crazy incentives and the air of desperation to get the job done, the COVID-19 pandemic appears to have been nothing but a thinly-disguised campaign to get a vaccine jab into every arm.


  • Could it be that the whole COVID-19 pandemic was about the vaccine and getting a global mass vaccination campaign underway for population control purposes?
  • Recent weeks have seen a significant rise in vaccination incentives in the U.S., from free doughnuts, cake, french fries, hot dogs and pizza, to arcade tokens, 10-cent beer, free state park season passes, free Uber and Lyft rides, free marijuana and Cincinnati Reds baseball tickets, a chance to win a full scholarship and even $1 million and $5 million giveaways
  • Meanwhile, the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System has logged more deaths following COVID-19 vaccination than all available vaccines combined over a 15.5-year period
  • Former COVID-19 patients are even pushed to get the jab, even though they already have superior immunity and studies show they have a far higher risk of severe side effects from the vaccine, and North Carolina has passed legislation that allows children as young as 12 to get the COVID vaccine without parental consent
  • COVID-19 vaccines might perform as a “depopulation weapon” by triggering antibody-dependent immune enhancement, making you more susceptible to severe COVID-19 if exposed to the virus. Antibodies against the spike proteins may also attack syncytin-homologous proteins essential for the formation of placenta, which could result in infertility. Overall, the shots may destroy your innate immunity and set you up for rapid onset of debilitating illness and premature death

In my opinion Dr. Peter McCullough is one of the most courageous well credentialed academic physicians out there and I hope to interview him soon. He is vice chief of internal medicine at Baylor University Medical Center and despite his impeccable credentials, he has been vilified for stating during the very beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, that it was all about the vaccine and getting a global mass vaccination campaign underway.

“All roads lead to the vaccine,” McCullough said in a recent interview (video above1 2), with stakeholders banking on countries mandating the vaccine worldwide. The first video above is a 16-minute outtake from a much longer interview, which is the second video.3

McCullough points out that a number of countries are already talking about making the as-yet unlicensed COVID-19 vaccine compulsory, meaning anyone and everyone can be forced to take it against their will. “That’s how bad stakeholders want vaccination,” McCullough says. “They do want a needle in every arm. But why?” That’s the million-dollar question right there.

Unbelievable Incentives Offered

Recent weeks have seen a significant rise in all sorts of vaccination incentives in the U.S., from free doughnuts, cake,4 french fries, hot dogs and pizza,5 to arcade tokens,6 10-cent beer,7 free state park season passes,8 free Uber and Lyft rides,9 free marijuana10 and Cincinnati Reds baseball tickets,11 a chance to win a full scholarship12 and even $1 million13 and $5 million14 giveaways. Below is a more complete list of incentives, posted on vaccines.gov.15

Read the Whole Article Here…

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Barbara Noelle
Barbara Noelle
3 years ago

I smelled a rat last March. I was constantly shocked as many ,many of the people in my community submitted their brain cells to a doctor they never heard of and compiling to cutting off their air supply. The people who sell the panic also sell the pill.

3 years ago

If something is good for you, people will consume it. You get a scratch from a cat, you put some rubbing alcohol on it. You have a terrible cough, you get some cough syrup. People aren’t that stupid. Well, some people aren’t that stupid. But, then, lie about a pandemic. Tell the public it is deadly, get the whole world leaders to go along with it. Tell the media to follow suit. Shut down nations due to it. Make people wear a mask. For. One. Whole. Year. And then when a “vaccine” is created? Order people to get it. And if they don’t? Bribe them???
Mark Twain once said, “when you are telling the truth, you don’t have to remember anything”. Or something like that. Well, when something is good for you, you don’t have to be “bribed” to take it.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  Me2

Mark Twain was very profound…I love his quotes.

“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled”
-- Mark Twain

“In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.”
-Mark Twain

3 years ago

Every adult in my family has jabbed. Now the grandchildren are going to be jabbed. No one has listened.
What will my family be in 1 year?

3 years ago

Sorry to hear about the little ones getting the jab. My daughters and grand babies and son in laws have not and will not get the jab. F these monsters that sell this poison. At least you have not taken it.

3 years ago

As I first stated many months ago, those who take the “vaccine” will predominantly die of a blood disorder. Given additional data which I recently reviewed, I will now add that the primary death window is 6 months to 1 year after the first injection.
Of note is the fact that there are no screening mechanisms in place to track whether a blood or organ donation come from a “vaccinated” donor. As such, I strongly recommend avoiding any and all medical treatment involving biologic components -- this would include any transfusion of whole blood, platelets, plasma, or other tissue(s) to be transfused or transplanted into you as a patient.

DJ Gilson
DJ Gilson
3 years ago

Thank you for your courage, honesty and respect for your patients, colleagues and the public. I am grateful to you and others that honor their oaths. We rely on leaders like you to show us the professional integrity we can only hope will be emulated by those in government who lack morality.

3 years ago

“Was the Whole Pandemic about the Vaccine?”
Does a Bear Shit in the Woods?
Does My Horse Shit in the Barn?
Is the Pope Catholic? (wait, Wut?)
This is a great illustration of what Joe Goebbels said about Government and Lying- To Paraphrase, ‘the Lies keep having to get Bigger, because once the Consequences of the Lies cannot be covered up by More Lies, the Game is Over.’
I’m no longer Surprised by the Audacity (and stupidity) of the Lying Liars and their Lies… what Amazes Me is how many STUPID PEOPLE still Believe the ‘original lies’ that the coronavirus was Not Artificially Created, Is severely Dangerous, and that Masks will Protect them.
As for those who have taken the Genetic-Modification Bioweapon, F**kk Them, they are Useless Eaters who will get their Darwin Card punched, sooner or later.

3 years ago

CONvid-19 is about more than just the vaccine but that is a big part of it. The fraudulent use of PCR technology to spin up “cases”, and “deaths” to create fear is one more example of them weaponizing “science” in this big play for all the marbles. It is really about the oligarchs using the levers of power (governments, big tech, the MIC’s (Military and Medical Industrial Complex’s), big media, big Corps, etc.) against the people of the WORLD. They need to destroy all free people so they can “Build Back Better”. Better for them of course in their neo-feudal psychopathic minds.
One Con to rule them all, so to speak.
I believe the available data suggests that a virus exists and it has certain features designed and built in to it. This version is not designed to be deadly to the vast majority of the population. Rather, it is designed to be highly infective and transmissible. Most folks who have died with it are over 70 YO with an average of 4 comorbidities.
Who knows what the vaccine will actually do? The only thing for certain is that there is no long term safety data and it is not nearly as effective as they make it out to be. You can learn more about this last point by reading up on the difference between “absolute” and “relative” risk reduction:
Things will start to get very interesting as more people wake up to what has been done to them and their families by the oligarch ruling class.

3 years ago

No words can describe the impact this incredible interview had on me. I’m a nurse who graduated summa cum laude, a committed Christian, and have read and watched hundreds of articles, interviews, and papers on Sars2. If you ever forward or save things to send to family or friends, this is the most important thing I have EVER seen by a high level authority on the subject in one and a half years of this tragic debacle. If pressed for time, take it from 1:20 through the end.
There is no possible award high enough for this courageous doctor (who tells the WHOLE story of early treatment, global obfuscation, and diabolical deceit) to receive. PLEASE LISTEN AND SHARE WIDELY!

3 years ago
Reply to  MollyP

Molly -- I am a nurse too. I feel the same. From the beginning there have been so many red flags. But you sit and wonder -- what if I am wrong? What clinched the deal for me though was when our hospital (think large, internationally known medical center that is very much involved in COVID research) came out and told us when the vaccine was released that even though the vaccine had not been tested on pregnant women, pregnant women could still get it and then they went on to talk about how dangerous Covid is to pregnant women. I was like, “Whaaaaaaaaaaat??!?!?” When have we ever done something like this? What happened to “first do no harm?” Have pregnant women died of Covid? Yes but do we know if they had comorbidities? How many pregnant women died? What about the babies?

Now it feels like an avalanche. Like an earthquake is happening under our feet. When this is all over, the public will not trust the scientific and medical community enough to ask them what time it is. I wish you and I could communicate privately. I feel like I am the only one who is reading up on all of this. My colleagues seem to be blissfully unaware of all that is going on. One nurse I work with was dumbfounded when I told her that the Moderna Phase III trials would not be finished until 2023.

Dr. McCullough is fearless. He is no lunatic. He talks the way I remember doctors used to talk. I deeply admire him.

Stellaria media
Stellaria media
3 years ago

Without COVID, the technology that is being used in the injections would have taken decades to have gotten approval by bioethics committees for testing on humans.Since the experiments have taken place, it would not surprise me to see an explosion in therapeutics based on gene editing/chimera drugs/vaccines/etc. It wasn’t publicly discussed, but back when media focused on the story for Ebola patients entering the US, it wasn’t about keeping everyone safe from Ebola or saving Africa…It was to push through a chimera therapeutic (Zmapp) through approval because it was an “emergency”. The biotech community expects resistance from citizens, so they manufacture “emergencies” to push tech through. There is likely an additional “purpose” for these injections, because like a creepy old man offering ice cream to children to lure them into a nefarious trap… governments around the world are heavily manipulating their citizens into participating in this experiment for a reason. Why? I don’t know yet, but it doesn’t seem to be of benefit to one’s autonomy or health.