Washington Forced To Sell Strategic Crude To Meet Budget

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The signs of regime change are everywhere. From embarrassment by Russia’s success in Syria to China’s creation of its own ‘World Bank’ and SWIFT alternative, the trend of de-empirization are growing, but tonight’s news that Washington will sell oil from its strategic reserve in order to meet budget constraints and avoid default (as China takes advantage of low prices to build its own reserves) is simply stunning in its analogy of the shifting world order.

As CNN reports,

Bipartisan congressional leaders and the White House struck a major fiscal deal in principle Monday that would raise the debt ceiling and lift budget caps on both defense and domestic programs, according to congressional sources familiar with the deal.

This deal would avoid a potential debt default on November 3, and it would reduce the chances of a government shutdown on December 11.

The deal includes $80 billion in increased defense and domestic spending over two years‎, a senior House source told CNN.

That new spending would be offset by sales from the strategic petroleum oil reserve, use of public airwaves for telecommunications companies and changes to the crop insurance program — among other measures. Moreover, the deal would spread out increases in Medicare premiums over time so beneficiaries don’t feel them acutely. It would also aim to preserve the Social Security disability trust fund, sources said.


So, to summarize, ‘Murica – the world’s reserve currency superpower and “cleanest dirty sheet in a brothel” economy is about to sell its “strategic” petroleum reserves at multi-year low prices in order to meet an ever-expanding welfare state’s needs…


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Average Joe
Average Joe
9 years ago

To help clarify the confusion regarding the picture……

One is useful and has value while the other does not, even though they both produce the same product.

9 years ago

Ya, right…ok.
It’s winter and I’m low on jimmies for my ice cream and I’m almost out of holiday “smellies” for my house so I’ll just go and sell my heating oil and get some.
Anyone have a problem with that???
The insanity is driving me nuts…