Watch Germany

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Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 month ago

It’s truly a great time to be alive! Reading all these different types of stories coming from different corners of the globe… The cracks in “The West” are now gaping chasms. Humpty Dumpty and all that.
As I like to say, the law of Thermodynamics is a stone cold bitch. She doesn’t care about your pronouns. These libs pushed and pushed until they violated the law of Thermodynamics, and it snapped back hard.
The pendulum has reached apogee and is swinging the other way now. Time to push HARD!
Germans are imminently pragmatic. The government collapsing is a result of their idiotic policies that go against common sense (e.g. thermodynamics). Their laws are setup so pragmatically, that the arrangement of government is breaking (as they were setup to do, when you try violating the laws of Thermodynamics!)
For once, things are working as they are supposed to!
Will be interesting to see the fireworks. If you’re a betting man, this is when you place a few Deutschmarks down on the people of Westphalia… The last time they threw their government out made history.