Watch How the West Responds to Peace

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Joanna Martin
Joanna Martin
9 days ago

excellent offer from Putin and it should be accepted by Ukraine’s handlers. Which means they won’t. The US gov’t is in the hands of evil people.

tom finley
tom finley
9 days ago

The parasites in DC will not stop until we stop them, TINVOWOOT.

9 days ago

implied “…or else…”
At this point I don’t think I blame him.

9 days ago

I view that as a terrible proposal for Russia. It’s as if Russia wants to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. His generals won’t be happy.

8 days ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Correct. I suspect the goal posts have been moved, out of necessity. The Russians know they are also fighting NATO now. So, I think they’ll need Ukraine totally disarmed and under the influence of Russia, not the US. And I think the US now needs total war to cover up our collapse. So, there will be no peace. Only more war.

kal kal
kal kal
9 days ago

second round of talks? Hopefully Bidum-ass doesn’t send BoJo to screw them up again. Filth of the West!

9 days ago

if you read the proposal instead of the headline before commenting you would see the offer was
“give me everything I want, then and only then will we talk about what else I should get”
this is not a “peace offer”, it’s an unconditional surrender demand. of course Ukraine should refuse.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
8 days ago
Reply to  xtron

Have they been winning all this time and I missed it?
I thought they lost a third of their territory, pretty much all of their men, and most of the things we would call “civilization”? Running water and an electrical grid doesn’t exist anymore in the parts of the country they still hold onto.
Ukraine is not in a position to negotiate one whit! WTF is wrong with you? They’re getting their asses kicked, along with the rest of NATO, the lines of engagement are THE ONLY METRIC. THEY’RE LOSING, BIG TIME! Blow yourself full of propaganda all you want, but they’ve lost land, are losing more, and can’t stop the advancing Russian army. There is no clearer definition of losing in a war than losing your land to the enemy, but you do you.
The Ukie’s should beg to be allowed to continue to exist! Refuse??! Dude, pass some of that stuff down, because, OMFG it’s gotta be the strongest EVER!

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
8 days ago

The West WANTS this war. It NEEDS this war, (to try to stay in power, cover up their crimes, and get through the bankruptcy that is coming for the US Dollar.)
There is no plan for peace, there never will be. Putin could retreat 100%, and they would still try to make a war with him.