Understand that she is saying the FDIC only has a little over 1 penny for every “insured” dollar. When a bank calls for a bail-in, your deposit is confiscated to pay off bad bank loans.
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- Joe Blow on EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy / Vice-President of the European Commission
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- thexrayboy on EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy / Vice-President of the European Commission
Yep, time to make a withdrawal!
Boots. Beans. Bandaids. Bullets. Bread. Blankets. Buckets. Barbed wire.
Since “They” know what the problem is, don’t you think “They” have a solution which all of the sheeple, normies, cucks, and shambling, texting Mall Zombies will buy into? The corrupt, syphilitic-thinking, stupid Amerikan population will go along with ANYTHING the FEDGOV says.
This has been foretold in many works of fiction: ATLAS SHRUGGED, PATRIOTS (the series by Rawles) and numerous other novels. I always look back at the stories my father and his brother told to me and my brother about the Great Depression. (((Hollywood))) and the (((MSM))) were in lockstep with Frank the Cripple and his brain trust of Parlor Pinks and Fellow Travelers to brainwash the public.
Look for devaluation of the currency, a snitch-rewards system to finger those of us who would use junk silver coins for barter, wage-price controls, and other divide-and-conquer schemes. Amerika will go full Venezuela with the Orcs and Orcettes with badges, guns, and uniforms victimizing their fellow citizens. And if the money is no good, they will be paid in consumables, just like Venezuela. Plan accordingly.
…..zactly ! it is ON it’s way….
CBDC and Facial recognition software.
you forgot carbon footprint credits, behavior demerits.
With this also being inevitable.
Explained in two simple words, “unsecured creditor” Step to the back of the line little guy, those with the biggest lawyers get first takes.
At the risk of shameless self-promotion, I wrote this in 2019 about the inevitability of financial collapse:
The more I look, read, listen, and learn, the more I think that the entire world economy is an enormous debt bubble; if it collapses down to what actual values of things would be in a true-value (my term) economy, I think we’ll be shocked at how much vanishes in a puff of written-off debt.
I remember, about 10 years ago, discussing a possible economic collapse with a fellow Tribe member -- and leftie-loon moonbat. He sneered and literally waved dismissively as he said “There’s not going to be an economic collapse”.
My family accountant -- formerly my late parents’ accountant too and a good man -- once said “I hope it doesn’t come to that” when I mentioned the possibility.
HOPE is great, but it’s not a strategy.