Waving the Secede Flag – How to Regain States Rights by Jeffrey Addicott

Great lecture. You’ll like it. I promise.

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2 years ago

Anybody see this or find anything on it.
I have not. I wish this had some context, perhaps other more skilled may find the context of this vid.
Bad bad bad if brought to life.

If found to be ….bull please delete this post sir.


robehr orinsky
robehr orinsky
2 years ago

Great common sense lecture by a man with Godly convictions of Liberty . I’ll pack up the farm and move to the first state to vote secession .

2 years ago

Secession is not going to be an option. States tried that once. The Fed Gov wouldn’t allow it. The argument cost about a quarter million lives…officially. The death toll was likely higher than that.

2 years ago

There are many disjointed aspects of the speech. He posits that God is a capitalist. The abortion clinics that murder babies and sell their body parts claim they are behaving and acting within capitalistic parameters. He fails to address the underemployed and those working full time or more than one full time jobs, and multiple jobs, and yet not being able to pay their bills. A country of people mostly not educated (at least not properly) in economics, their own form of government, civics…as he posits that ‘we need to get in their face’, with regards to the right curriculum being taught when there are largely no examples of organized and mobilized activism that provides a purview for others to become involved. There were also some clarifying and cohesive points made as to knowledge needing to be transmitted culturally in sustaining the tenets of one’s purported form of government. The main disconnect seems to be with individualism versus hyperindividualism pertaining to the viability of a nationhood thereof.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Z-La

The problem is cronyism. The people.
There are slaves,( servants,) and those over them (so to speak we all ‘should’ know we are equal in His eyes.). Both sides matter. Both have responsibilities under Yahweh. We have agreements, both sides should uphold their part, keep their word. Treat each other as the Bible suggest (and or commands) to us.
we do have free choice no matter the situation. This does not ever mean there are no consequences.
People need to change.

Last edited 2 years ago by a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

Here are a few thoughts as listening. He is very thought provoking.
How many of us can discuss without loosing our minds? This is the challenge. Can we hold hands while the world burns? Telling them simply to go to hell effectively stops the conversation.
1. Teaching our children to think, not necessary What to think, for we to have been raised in the world and therefore are compromised.
2.Kinda weird he brings up santa clause. This is what i was thinking on this morning.
Do the ten commandments tell us to lie to our children?
Can santa see and know everything our children are doing and have done? 
Who can?
Other questions: 
Do you notice and think it is odd how many non believers , non practices of Christ, even ashiest engage in the festivities? 
3.Heaven: “Boom your in and can never get out?” 
Once saved always saved?
Nope i do not believe that is how it works. we are warned that some will return to their previous ways and perhaps even worse. Names will be removed from the book of life.
What does God think about us? 
Mashiak is our King, through Him only may we know Alahim. Mashiak has authority over us. Do you remember What would YAH-husha do?
Consider who it is that opens the seals.
He closes with “The rest of the world can go to blazes”
Telling them simply to go to hell effectively stops the conversation.
Is that what the Messiah has taught us?
Why did He weep?

Last edited 2 years ago by a follower, working on it.