We Are Able To Stop This Evil! We Just Aren’t Willing!

From the comment section: “I have been debating saying this, but I think now is the time. I mean no offense, but I think it needs to be said.

I think there is only one reason we do not come together. We do not really want to be free.

As far as the call to action, why do others call for it and yet do not do it? I do not mean this as an attack, I am honestly asking because there is only two reasons for it in my mind. I do not want for one of the two reason to be true.”

No offense taken. You are exactly right. The vast majority of our population do not want to be free. The WANT to be RULED! Most men have no purpose but to exist. They aim to pass quietly through history as minor characters upon a stage they cannot even see. To be the playthings of tyrants. I believe those of us in this movement were born to fight this evil.

“As far as the call to action, why do others call for it and yet do not do it?” Another excellent question. For me it is really simple. I would be alone and acting alone. I’m not ready to go lone wolf. How many friends do you have that you would trust with your life? Who can keep a secret? Who is willing to do some heavy lifting? How many friends do you have that you would trust with your family’s life? How many of you can support yourself and your family for let’s say 6 months to a year if the SHTF? How many of you are physically fit?

Why don’t people value Liberty and Freedom?

What will it take for you to fight and protect your Family from the Tyranny that is here and growing?

Remember we didn’t start this war! Make no mistake about it we are at war. Could a group of five dedicated guys wreak enough havoc in their area of operations to kick things off? Honestly, we can’t get people to quit watching TV, let alone get their lazy asses off of the couch.

We have political prisoners being held for doing absolutely nothing wrong for over two years now. We have our “government” still pushing a “vaccine” that is killing people. We have our “government” pushing for WWIII so they can cover up their crimes against us. And the only thing I can do about any of it, is Coach Baseball and Softball with my kids because nobody is willing to unite with me and swing our enemies from lamppost.

“You have no plan!” How do you know?

“Logistics?” Again you won’t even discuss seriously with me options I have in mind.

Our founding fathers barely even had arms and munitions, but they believed in their cause and threw down the gauntlet.

I used to say I don’t want a war, nobody does. But that isn’t the case anymore. We need a war. The herd needs culling. I’d welcome an EMP at the moment even though it would unleash a nightmare scenario that myself and my family might not survive. But this evil needs to be destroyed and it needs to be so thoroughly destroyed that it will take centuries before it is ever able to rise again. I owe it to my children to fight for a better future for them. The darkness they face is not one of their making. We are able to stop it. We just aren’t willing.

I wonder what Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Patrick Henry, Thomas Paine and George Washington would say and do about the situation we find ourselves in? Because there is no American Revolution without those great men. Sure, there are others, but those men were the driving force that brought about Revolution.

The trouble with us independent free thinkers is that we tend to have a wide and diverse set of conditions upon which we will act, making cooperative action nearly impossible. Some of us will not act at all and continue to come here and tell us to continue to wait because God is in control.

Most of us have spent years upon years preparing for this very moment. Now that the moment is upon us, we hesitate. We wait. We hide. We debate. But most importantly we isolate. We refuse to unite.

Yes, I know “the American people are going to need to feel much more pain before they will act.” Why must that be the way?

So much is happening. Everyday the news grows worse. Something is building. Perhaps the pain is coming. But I am tired of waiting for the inevitable collapse.

I will not act alone. I will not die a martyr. I will not sacrifice myself and leave my family like that.

I’m not a hard person to get ahold of.

I’m open for discussion.

This isn’t someone else’s war.

It’s all up to us.


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tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

There’s nothing to be gained by arguing with anarcho-communists Do we really think we can debate and change their minds? The only way to end communism is to end communists, period. You have to give it to them, they act while we talk about what we want to do.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

Liberal reasoning is all emotional, logic need not apply.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

Exactly!!!!! Facts don’t care about feelings but feelings don’t care about facts. Don’t try to change their minds. We have to start pushing back. We cannot let them control the conversation. We need to speak our minds too. When they try to shut us up, we need to push back and not let them shut us up. We need to stand our ground. As we stand our ground and push back, they will start to cower. When you stop and think about it, that’s how we got here. They started to control the conversation. Then they acted.
A few years ago people from a certain religion decided to use an area for prayer time. It was blocking a door that I frequented. Some people would wait for them to finish praying before using the door. I didn’t have time to wait. I asked them to move, but they wouldn’t move, so I acted. I opened the door and walked on through, which angered them. However, guess who found a different place to pray after somebody acted.
Great post Tom!!!

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Shane

Thank you Shane.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

We can start by not letting them dictate our pronouns. If we lose a battle over something as simple as our pronouns, then we might as well cash in the chips and go home, because we have proven that we aren’t capable of battle.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Shane

As has been stated give them nothing and take from them everything.

yes,it is time
yes,it is time
1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

somethings up in phx. I was on the 101/51 and huge plume of black smoke over phx

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

unfortunately, it will be only at the butt end of a rifle that this will be won. you cannot sit down and have a logical one on one with mentally retarded communist Marxists it won’t work, they have no brain cells left, and they have all been brainwashed. every democrat now is a Marxist brain-dead zombie adhering to the dictates of the mainstream media and the wicked government lording over them..

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Phil

Yes Phil, our freedom and liberty will be won at the end of our guns. They the uniparty are all treasonous POS, all of them federal, state and local included.

yes,it is time
yes,it is time
1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

well, a target rich environment in az

1 year ago

After praying on your thoughts:
First: We decide to find our like-minded brothers and sisters. Second: We start meeting at, say, libraries to pick actions we can do together or individually. Third: We finally understand that it’s going to cost each of us. Fourth: We act on our individual and joint missions anyway. And the whole time -- we pray.
Thank you.

Mike Black
Mike Black
1 year ago
Reply to  Janice

Your ideas are good but OPSEC must be top priority for obvious reasons that goes for comms in the response sections

yes,it is time
yes,it is time
1 year ago
Reply to  Mike Black

maybe janice is laying down disinfo. clever girl

1 year ago

Man continues to think ‘they’ have the power--he does not. Our founders got on their knees because they knew where their power came from--our Lord Father, not one guy. Those with this clear understanding will wait upon the Lord, not some guy prompting, poking, criticizing. They will move when instructed to do so by the Lord.

1 year ago
Reply to  Oma

Joshua 7:10 “And the Lord said unto Joshua, Get thee up; wherefore liest thou thus upon thy face?” God was telling Joshua to stop praying and take action. Prayer is the most important thing we can do, but there is a time for action.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
1 year ago
Reply to  Oma

Wes, I admire your tenacity. However, you can count me out. I won’t be joining you in whatever plan you have. However, I will not accept that I do not care about my child’s future by not submitting to your plan.
I refuse to take responsibility for decades of dumbing down Americans and think that I can turn it around like our founding fathers. This is not a musket versus musket war. This is a war of technology, propaganda and fake news that the enemy has mustered. You can’t shoot your way out of it.
It is not courage to underestimate the enemy. It is not leadership to rally others by promoting your own courage. I hope you find the men and women you are looking for and can prove me wrong. I will be the first to congratulate you. Denying reality isn’t a good starting point in any plan.
Also, those who are waiting for that special message from the Lord before making their move, pullleessseee! What all due respect, what an ego trip. The first century church evaporated shortly after Paul’s ministry.
The divisions in the body of Christ led to the disappearance of the signs, miracles and wonders. Paul’s teachings were systematically broken up. Why should God go around throwing out special messages when His Word is trampled daily in the professing Christian denominations?

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
1 year ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

oops! Not a reply to Oma but to Wes. Senior moment!

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
1 year ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

Stan, excellent post.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
1 year ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

Citizen Joe, thank you for taking the time to respond. I’m thankful for your stand against tyranny and for freedom.

yes,it is time
yes,it is time
1 year ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

So in your mind, assent with your words is equivalent to a ‘stand against tyranny’? lol

yes,it is time
yes,it is time
1 year ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

That right CJ! Keep it safe; stay home; write your reps; articulate clearly at the city council meetings. Model Loyalist!

yes,it is time
yes,it is time
1 year ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

Did you log in as Stan and then comment as cj on your own post? lol

1 year ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

I think another problem encountered is the ability to sustain the battle to the end. Their might be enough “good folk” to kick things off, but if their is none at the end, why would God help. Thats a big difference of today and revolutions of the past. Those that start it can figure on a quick end. And then what is left, smoke and people with no direction at all. A big thing in my mind is the verse that talks about the end days and who is able to withstand such weapons without God. They can see you by satellite and they have space based weapons. Does any one here know someone on the “inside” that can gain access to these weapons? They have not even fought a war with these weapons yet. Even if a few states broke away and had their own air force and ground force, the best they could do is collateral damage. Damage that no longer exits to repent and be saved. The vast underground bases and tunnels that can bring in armies unseen crossing borders. Who will have the will to fight them. What could be left is a broken down wondering populace trying to decide on whether the food on the inside the gates is worth the bondage. The decision to make those people “collateral damage” should left to God. What is going on in the USA, is not isolated to the USA. This is a world wide putrid society waiting for the weakness of civil war in the US. We don’t need to help to speed it up. just my thoughts and not directed at any one person.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
1 year ago
Reply to  2cents

2cents, thank you for your wonderfully thought through comments. Emotions can cloud our logic. It can cause us to make foolish decisions. These are difficult times, no doubt.
As far as God bearing His arm, God is not committed to any country. He is committed to His Word. How much of His Word exists in this country?

1 year ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

Its a sad state. So different than from even when I was small in the 70s. No matter what people thing of Billy Graham now, it meant a lot back then with 3 TV stations. I was’t saved till 1991. The people in local churches never got along here. I’ve just now started listening to Derek Prince online. How much of a help it would have been to have someone like him around. No need for anyone to flame Derek, he doesn’t seem like one to pound the bible and say my way only. He says its the way he sees it, and thats what everyone does. Some think to much that their opinion is infallible.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
1 year ago
Reply to  2cents

Chuck Baldwin in Montana is an awake minister. He is not 501c3 bogged down. He has a site if interested.

yes,it is time
yes,it is time
1 year ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

How much of His Word do you think you can blot out?

yes,it is time
yes,it is time
1 year ago
Reply to  2cents

Ace observation. So what is the alternative? If you remain inactive then your think things will improve the longer we do nothing?

1 year ago
Reply to  yes,it is time

Whenever nations or Gods people in the past are disobedient they come under bondage or strong correction. Prayer is not inactivity. If God wants people to rise against the government, it will be inevitable to stop, as he uses bad people/spirits to bring about his will. Countries and borders are also temporary. Just because none of us can see things getting better soon, doesn’t mean its up to us to speed it up. Circumstances are definitely going to improve, but maybe not in the time frame that we want. Its not a good idea of trying to do something that could make the USA an uninhabitable place. That could easily be done. We have a set of variables that could easily poison us to death, or make us refugees. Whenever it comes to American refugees, they will most likely shut the border down. The effects of civil war in this country could create a 3000+ mile hazmat zone. We don’t have to have answers, just patience. This is more about the individual and their relationship with God than it is the country. Whenever we see Blatant satan worship on prime time TV, we can bet big changes are coming soon. — On a small note- About hope. I was once worrying about what would happen to my 6 cats I had at the time if something happened to me. I went to sleep thinking about this and praying about it. The next morning I was waken by a cat outside my window meowing real loud. This was about 6 in the morning. The cat had a fresh fish about 6 inches long. I live in a country town with a creek. I never taught the cat to fish, so I took that as a sign to stop worrying.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
1 year ago

 Since the opening was my post, I thought I should respond

How many friends do you have that you would trust with your life? Who can keep a secret? Who is willing to do some heavy lifting? How many friends do you have that you would trust with your family’s life? How many of you can support yourself and your family for let’s say 6 months to a year if the SHTF? How many of you are physically fit?

I am not a people person (If you have seen the show Doc Martin, yeah). I have no real friends where I live now (where I use to live I did and we where of like mind and I miss that). But as far as trusting someone to do right with my family if I die, only my youngest brother. For the most part people are not to be trusted. But I am willing to risk that belief for liberty.

 nobody is willing to unite with me and swing our enemies from lamppost.

 Not sure you are right there.

 Again you won’t even discuss seriously with me options I have in mind.

These things are not discussed on here, gab, signal or any of the other it is safe thing because I believe idiots who no nothing or are government plants.

 Our founding fathers barely even had arms and munitions, but they believed in their cause and threw down the gauntlet.

 They had support from the community. As a whole we do not.

 I’d welcome an EMP at the moment even though it would unleash a nightmare scenario that myself and my family might not survive. 

 Wont the nuclear power plants melt down? If so, no one will survive.

 I wonder what Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Patrick Henry, Thomas Paine and George Washington would say and do about the situation we find ourselves in?

 Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchsed at the price of chains and slavery?

 I’m not a hard person to get ahold of… I’m open for discussion.

I made offers to meet, create lists or friendly businesses, move together, etc… I can still hear the crickets. I am good with meeting somewhere for coffee and just talking a bit. I drove almost 8 hours one way for a radio class just to see who people where and how they reacted in real life. 

Every cause that was won, was won because they had support for the populous. Until people change their minds or create a community of like minded people, there is little chance of anything other than being the next LaVoy Finicum (I think he was betrayed from the inside).

When we lived in Tennessee we would take routes that did not involve much highway travel . We would stop at the Kentucky Artisan Center in Berea. Decent coffee, good food, clean restrooms and a large parking lot. I am off every other Friday (this Friday is a work Friday) and weekends. I am up for a meal and coffee.

There is the invite to meet and make plans to come together. Just talk about mutual support and how to get the things we need to survive when what appears to be coming, comes.

Last edited 1 year ago by Thomas Angle
1 year ago

Part of the problem is location. Many of us are homesteaders, isolated, I have no one to meet or communicate with, I have tried for decades to get others interested and finally gave up. I am 74, realistically what can I do? I am lucky to still be able to garden and cut some wood. Even if younger, isolated homes and culture is a problem.

I don’t know what the answer is, but I am sure glad you are still trying!
I suspect when it gets really hard for the masses, they might wake up!
In the mean time we still need to get prepared!

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
1 year ago
Reply to  Lawnmore

Move? I am serious about that. Read my post above, maybe we can talk about things like that.

1 year ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

Thanks for the kind reply. Our homestead is isolated and self sufficient, and been set up as a retreat for any family members who can make it. I have been here, fifty three years, too much junk, my family is buried on this mountain! my only move will be to the cemetery!

I would love to visit some time, e mail, notung48@gmail.com.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lawnmore

that hits home. I’m younger than you, but too old as well. I’ve run away my entire life. I’m good at it. At this point though, I’m about as “away” as away gets. I’m done. If staying here is the end of me, I aint goin’ alone. Send bachelors.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Lawnmore

I will be 72 this March Lawnmore, I have been turning my body into a weapon since the early 80s. The last few years I have been asking why I keep practicing the martial arts, I see why now, mind, body and soul is dedicated to the fight, not today maybe tomorrow.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley


1 year ago
Reply to  Lawnmore

Exactly, lawnmower, well said. I too live in an area that is isolated. I mean what am i going to do, attack the local USDA office? No targets and no discernable local threats. Everyone I encounter is of a like mind, but what to do? Caravan for a hundred miles ? i don’t expect to survive what is coming, when it comes, but i will give a good account of myself.

1 year ago
Reply to  Quatermain

The rebuilding of the Republic will probably take longer than I have left. Hopefully my family will prevail here.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
1 year ago
Reply to  Quatermain

Everyone I encounter is of a like mind, but what to do?

Create your own parallel society. Do as much as you can in that group. What you cannot do now, if possible, set it up to do within. Not sure the size of the “everyone I encounter” group is, but the larger it is, is the more that can be done as a whole. The more people the more secure.

Last edited 1 year ago by Thomas Angle
1 year ago
Reply to  Lawnmore

I was wrong, don’t tell my wife! I do a lot to promote freedom, so can you.
One of the things I regularly do is to boycott businesses that are woke or multinational. It is difficult as so many are involved, It takes a little time, but us retirees have extra.
It seems that Home depot and Lowes are examples of normal and woke. Here in Arkansas most small business are not woke. I won’t watch another Disney movie, nor use any company whose adds contains a white woman and back man, I am not prejudice against minorities, just tired of the anti white perspective. I will add I marched with MLK in Chicago in the sixties, I am just not prejudice against white men, I are one! I also won’t watch national news!
I also retired early, I thought it better to be a burden rather than a taxpayer to the government! As voting is corrupt, I don’t vote in national elections, here in Arkansas it seems honest, so far. I am sure there are lots of other ways we can help!
I know, too many I’s, oh well, just cross them out and insert you can!

1 year ago

I’ve turned this topic over and over in my mind, why does the most heavily armed society on earth accept every insult and tyranny???

I have narrowed it to two points
-- men of experience and ability know that for success there will only be one opportunity and it must be sharp and massive. A few freedom bombs / emp from Mr Putin & Mr Xi into the national and state capitols would be such an opportunity but short of that a lesser scenario would favor the regime.
-- the fiat money system. The rank-n-file who would join the men of experience and ability under normal circumstances (situations short of ww3 ) are handcuffed to one medium of exchange that is controlled by the regime. 95% +++ of all wages, savings, retirements are in electronic form and can be turned off or erased at the whim of dot gov. The minute men had physical silver coins, a milk cow and garden, a wood burning stove for heat and cooking, a well for water. John Q grunt will be too busy figuring how to get a bowl of gruel for wife and kids than to organize for a strike on the beast. John Q Grunts every drop of water, every toilet flush, every calorie, light, heat, refrigeration ect ect is controlled by the adversary’s electronic web and fiat money. It’s a brilliant and diabolical prison of our own voluntary incarceration.

So, back to point one…. Pray for Mr Putin and Mr Xi to do right thing and provide the opportunity

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Greg

I agree with a lot of what you say, but as has been proven obiden is but a puppet. The DOD proved this recently, ignoring his order to shoot down the balloon, and woke milley has stated the CCP is not our enemy. So they will keep doing as they please, they do not need to nuke DC or use an emp. They will kill the dissenters in other ways, just like the train derailment in Ohio, and the coming starvation plan. They all will share in the spoils once the armed populace turns in their weapons for a bag of rice.

Mike Black
Mike Black
1 year ago
Reply to  Greg

Very good points. Xi is part of the nwo though. He stands to benefit the most from our fall. I believe that Russia will be provoked to nuke us, both US and Russia will be destroyed and China is at the head of the table. Reset complete. And if Russia somehow managed to survive china will turn on them

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Greg

How about we pray for forgiveness and wisdom. He knows what we need most. Assuming that Putin or Mr.Xi are anything good is a bit fool hardy. in my opinion.
i agree with many of well spoken thought out comments within this thread. Instead of taking offense at any of them, we should pray on them and for all involved.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

Kings of the East, West, North, South? Are they Good?
Amos 5:18 should be considered, all of us who are yearning, calling for. Are we Truly prepared?
Do ‘they’ (this world) bring relief and peace?
God, Lord, Are not His Name. His Name has been hidden, removed. Why? You should know the answer. Many things have been twisted, changed, lost , removed. Should we appear proud, and as if we are all knowing? Is this how we are going to approach our Master?

Last edited 1 year ago by a follower, working on it.
tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

I would just like to add, keep up your excellent articles Wes, Gods speed.

1 year ago

I will not act alone. I will not die a martyr. I will not sacrifice myself and leave my family like that.
that’s reasonable & honorable -- your 1st responsibility is your family. if you’re gone, you have abandoned them. perhaps in a noble cause, but still, who else will take care of them? the founders had friends & community for that kind of support.
single military men, however…?

1 year ago

ah, I can’t find the article I wanted to reference! it basically explored the original colonials progression towards war, saying that it took a long time to boil over, like, years -- people were talking & complaining for years before any actual action was taken, & then very reluctantly, because it obviously meant their former lives were over -- once you were committed, there’s no going back. it’s not like the colonists blindly rushed forward guns blazing, & started a war -- it was a long time coming, very calculated, very hesitant
(haha, kind of like Putin’s ‘invasion’ of Ukraine -- he doesn’t actually want war, is just resigned that there is no longer any other choice -- he faces the same enemy we do, & they are duplicitous & bent on conquest, & will not reason together for an amicable outcome -- they have their goals & will not relent)
so what’s happening here, though it seems very slow & frustrating, is the same environment our founding fathers were living in. sooner or later, it comes to a head, & probably dramatically ‘all of a sudden’
some comments on organization & risks:
essential essay from 1983 on ‘leaderless resistance’ --

1 year ago

It would take an act of God to straighten out this mess. He’s not going to do it until the end when we’re almost finished. So, we prep. We try to provide for our families and friends by making a place for them. Stocked with the necessary resources to extend our lives until His return or our death.

Saber 7
Saber 7
1 year ago

Those great men did not have cameras everywhere, yes they had spies around but in the confines of a darken corner in a tavern plans could be discussed knowing the conversation stayed tween them.
I have been laboring to get like minded families together in my local area. Most are well intentioned but lack time and money. They are trapped in the system that Greg talked about.
Me? I would say that I resemble the fifth meme in this thread. I am trained to lead (tactical, operational, and strategic), I can train how to lead, (CGSC/ILE) or I can follow a better leader. Like Wes I am not a hard person to get hold of.
Saber 7
“your fears are not my chains”

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Saber 7

We have to keep pushing, the time will come and soon, no quarter no mercy, they deserve neither.

Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
1 year ago

Unfortunately you sound like a man ready to blast off, even by yourself. Still prepping and praying, for one day this sh-t will hit the fan. Don’t doubt it or yourself. It will.

Mike Black
Mike Black
1 year ago

This is for Wes, Please contact me I’d love to talk with you

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
1 year ago

They haven’t acted because they aren’t feeling enough pain. I do know this: There are thousands of patriot groups training regularly and are armed to the teeth. Do they have F15s, no. But they have the will and righteousness to fight for their free lives. I close with two words—Viet Cong.

Rabbi Will Mccubbins
Rabbi Will Mccubbins
1 year ago

Hey Christian s. Maybe if you all just do christianity a little bit harder. Jusus will come fix everything. You could start with a super giant sunrise service on easter and a huge egg hunt. That’ll show him you’re serious.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

Rabbi Mccubbins, maybe if you stop referring to Christians as demon worshippers your posts could count for something, maybe not.

Rabbi Will Mccubbins
Rabbi Will Mccubbins
1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

Maybe not to most of the readers here. I’m sure most of you hate what I have to say. But I don’t post here for those. You see Christian teaching is a demonic mind control. Im here for the few who may realize they need a drastic change. We have successfully deprogramed thousands of Christians and in my opinion introduced them to who the son of God truly is. One very effective method over the years has been to make the Christians angry enough to research the awful demonic rituals they do in the name of God. Before you think it Tom, kindly telling a Christian has almost no effect. Since the Christian forcefield seems to thrive on sweet flattering words.

1 year ago

Micah 5:2, or possibly 5:1 in your text “But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.”

1 year ago

Rabbi Mccubins, I’m just looking at your name. It’s not Jewish. Are you a “messianic” Rabbi?

Rabbi Will Mccubbins
Rabbi Will Mccubbins
1 year ago
Reply to  Shane

It’s a hebrew name not a European Yiddish ie anything ending with. stein or berg. Lol. And no it didn’t start out as Mccubbins.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

I have no part with organized religion, I do not need a mediator between me and God almighty.

Last edited 1 year ago by tom finley
Rabbi Will Mccubbins
Rabbi Will Mccubbins
1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

That too can be very dangerous my friend. Please use caution.

Rabbi Will Mccubbins
Rabbi Will Mccubbins
1 year ago

I had no choice but to do that for awhile. Excommunicated for messiah and his commandments .

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

I forgot to add Jesus Christ as my mediator. I am always cautious with my thoughts and words Before God.

Last edited 1 year ago by tom finley
1 year ago

Hello Rabbi. I am a Baptist minister and a friend of the Jewish people. I have been invited to synagogue on numerous occasions (purim, bris, for a friend who was acting as cantor, etc.). I have interviewed Rabbi’s and Jewish friends for theological purposes, and all have been very cordial and polite. One Rabbi I interviewed actually lived and studied in Israel, just outside of Bethlehem. I asked him a simple question and I will ask you the same: What do you make of Micah 5:2? It’s found in the Nevi’im under “The Twelve” although it might be Micah 5:1 in the JPS Hebrew text. The Rabbi I asked didn’t know what to make of it, because he knew the history of Bethlehem. Don’t go searching the commentaries. What are YOUR thoughts?

Rabbi Will Mccubbins
Rabbi Will Mccubbins
1 year ago
Reply to  Shane

Great! The prophet is foretelling the birthplace of messiah Yeshua. Also to go just a little deeper he’s acknowledging the deity of messiah in that he existed from old and forever of course! Full disclosure here I am a Messianic Rabbi. So he already saved me!I love to hear from you! Ours will also be a cordial conversation. 7042026922

1 year ago

So you are born a gentile and “converted” to Judaism?

Rabbi Will Mccubbins
Rabbi Will Mccubbins
1 year ago
Reply to  Shane

That was not the path I have walked.

1 year ago

Well, not only have I interviewed Jewish people, but for the book of Hebrews I attended and interviewed a “Messianic Synagogue Rabbi” and some of the people that attended. It was the now closed Ohr HaDerek Messianic Synangogue (Light of The Way Messianic Synagogue). Messianic Synagogues generally follow the dietary laws, including the fasts, which means they combine law and grace. You might want to read Acts 10:9-16 if you are following the dietary laws. I might also add that although Christian holidays do have elements of paganism in them, we still have the right to observe them. Christ Jesus was at the feast of dedication (John 10:22), which is not a biblical holiday. Would you question Him celebrating a non-biblical holiday? You might also want to have a read of Romans 14:5 and let people celebrate Easter and Christmas peacefully. If you think I’m being mean, read Titus 1:13.

Rabbi Will Mccubbins
Rabbi Will Mccubbins
1 year ago
Reply to  Shane

I think that is poor doctrine. But I wont be harsh with you. In fact Id like to ask a favor of you. When your appointment with the son of God comes. If he asks you if anyone ever told you to leave christianity and follow the true ways of his word. Will you please remember my name and tell him yes Rabbi Will said that to me.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

Every nail should not be hammered.
Some people as myself will dig in and fight you to the bitter end. i say this as someone who generally gets you and agree with much(not all) of what you say.
Also do you not think Yahuah knows what you are doing? Knows your heart etc. Do you need our honorable mention?
Headed to work. Have a productive day.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Shane

Yahusha, went to where the people were.
He ate with the tax collectors and sinners, not to join them, to talk with them, to convert them. To cause them (individuals) to become set-apart.
“I might also add that although Christian holidays do have elements of paganism in them, we still have the right to observe them.”
we have a choice.
Do you not find it odd and telling where these pagan additions came from and the congregation that introduced them into the assemblies and congregations world wide?

Last edited 1 year ago by a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

WTF, Will, this is blatant faith trolling, pure and simple. I don’t know you well enough to comment on you, but that post is a manifestation of evil intent.

Rabbi Will Mccubbins
Rabbi Will Mccubbins
1 year ago
Reply to  Fido

You said one thingright sir. You don’t know. So you start with an admission of ignorance and then accuse based on that ?

1 year ago

So you deny that your comment was sarcasm belittling christianity at large?

Rabbi Will Mccubbins
Rabbi Will Mccubbins
1 year ago
Reply to  Fido

No, I meant to belittle christian teaching. But I differ with you on methods. Long term I think it will be good for them.

1 year ago

Good for them to be shamed and bullied into conversion instead of reasoned with. I see.

Or perhaps you subcribe to the technique of enraging your opponent to cripple his ability to reason, causing him to doubt himself, and wonder if maybe you are right.

This are dishonest methods of dialog, and betray the intent I spoke of.

1 year ago

Paint me confused then, ’cause I saw you use sarcasm displaying vitriol to belittle a faith, instead of pointing out any actual shortcoming or flaw in said faith. This sort of barroom/playground behaviour would, in the physical world, ordinarily be seen as an attempt to provoke an emotional response as to start a physical fight. How is that not trolling?

1 year ago


I visit this site often but do not comment a lot. I am an 8 ur Army Vet and sympathize with you. I am a husband and father of 6 children. If I die the cause must be completed for the sacrifice. I would not be willing to die knowing that the my kids won’t be raised by someone who won’t pour into them and keep their best interests in mind and teaching them how to navigate this land. I didn’t have that growing up and want it different for my children.

I ache inside knowing what I want to do to make sure they have a bright future but at the same time feeling chained to take any action knowing being a martyr will not help them.

A lot of men are working 40+ hours a week barely treading water to survive and wives are working just as hard at home to try and teach the young ones so they won’t be subject to the brainwashing in schools.

TPTB have destroyed our communities and culture through various means.

The powers that be have set this circumstance up almost perfectly. I admit I have lost most joy…I have to stuff my disdain for everything this country has turned into, down In the abyss of my soul. I am sickened by the church and lack of uniting the banners. I have walked away from the hush money institutions and will never return. There are good people in the church, but I can no longer support the lack of mission from them.

Wes you are not alone with your feelings. I pray the God gives us a catalyst. As noble as Lavoy intentions were, his sacrifice gained us no ground in the fight. The Jan 6 event has gained us no ground in this fight, it only exposed how serious the situation is and how no one truly has our backs.

I was there for the J6 event, I can tell you from speaking with the vets there that day, we all share the same sentiment. We want to put a stop to the corruption, we were fooled Into believing Trump would lead us to that next phase, especially by showing up en mass to show him he has the support to move forward with more aggressive action to stop the corruption. Unfortunately that’s not what happened.

So here we sit, wondering what the F the plan is to stop this. At this point though I almost don’t want it stopped. Too many Americans are brainwashed, it’s beyond belief. The masses still believe Russia is bad. It’s Americans pride that is its stumbling block.

If the Average Americans are so lazy to do their own investigations and never question the narrative, are we too far lost already?

I don’t know what the Answer is…I just know I can’t stand seeing what this society has become.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
1 year ago

Read ” leaderless resistance”.

1 year ago

It is clear that empire USA is coming apart and is falling. Some of us, like Wes, have sensed this for quite some time. It’s like being able to feel the major storm on the horizon on a warm spring afternoon. It’s unsettling, but there is nothing you can really do about it, but get ready for when it hits.
The events of the last few years have shown us many important things. The election of Trump I believe was an anomaly that broke the vote cheating algorithms. Though he acted more like controlled opposition than anything else, and very likely because he was being controlled, Trump force the evil enemy to remove the mask and now we see it laid bare. The enemy in it’s own arrogance has put on show trials and made political prisoners, things that us normal people recognize as red warning signs. Yes, empire USA needs to fall. There is no redeeming it. Unfortunately, a large segment of the population has been duped into believing it’s siren song, much as people in Austria voted to join Hitler and the Nazis because they wanted jobs and healthcare and trains that ran on time too.
The thing is, we the little people, even if we ban together might be able to cripple or take down a local regime, unless enough groups operate in unison it won’t be enough to kick the supports out from the state and federal system. That is going to take a more significant event and those kinds of events happen in their own time but bring about intense change. Think the march on the Lexington Green, the firing on Ft Sumpter, and Germany invading Poland. Under the right conditions, these acts sparked conflagrations and so too, will an in and of itself insignificant act do so again. Historically these acts are impossible to predict but easy to recognize in hindsight. Brace yourself, winter is coming.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

“We naturally like what we have been accustomed to, and are attracted towards it. […] The same is the case with those opinions of man to which he has been accustomed from his youth; he likes them, defends them, and shuns the opposite views.”
― Maimonides, The Guide for the Perplexed

yes,it is time
yes,it is time
1 year ago

but but but Q the storm rider told us a lot is going to happen into trump’s next term!!!! we’re saved! all we have to do is stand-down and obey and keep watching the movie!

Otis D.
Otis D.
1 year ago

People fight for what’s behind them, not for fear of what’s in front of them.
the communists knew what they were doing with destruction of the family.
the crazy cat ladies, broken families, spawn being indoctrinated with antisocial behavior and beliefs. people trapped in narcissistic abuse situations.

1 year ago

I totally agree, Wes. We have debt as a nation. We OWE it all those that preceeded us in the fight for America and our freedom. Such a fight never ends. It’s ongoing as long as there are those who want to “transform” OUR country. Not many, that I have heard, even mention that debt. The baton is, and has been, passed to this generation and NO ONE is taking it.