We are being played…When will we wake up and take action. YOUR TAX MONEY GOING TO THE TALIBAN.

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tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

We are nothing but chattel to the communists in charge. How do you end communism? You end communists, there is no other way, they will only resort to more and more force. It is not an easy decision, how long do we wait? Until our children and loved ones are starving and we have lost all mobility, that is their end game.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

Unfortunately Tom the lazy Americans won’t do anything until everything they own is taken from them and at that point they will lose it and go ape shit on the commies in the government who took all from them. Lock and load and keep your powder dry.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Phil

The first step is the hardest Phil, may God help us take it.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

Incrementalism is no longer needed by the elites because the people stayed streamlined civically and socially (even with various certifications and degrees, unable to change the status quo with collective momentum) through the many decades which was a cue, a timeframe, that if they wanted to change course they would have done so inclusive of the churches, workplaces, economy, healthcare, agriculturally, and with what constitutes science, and how technology was directed and applied. These yielding propensities were all nods of agreement to the controlling powers that they were given tacit, and by default, the right to be the deciders, the determiners of the course of this country. It’s full on now with their plans. Expecting the bulk of the population to suddenly understand the inner and more obvious workings of power and their according structures and systems, when they were effectively taught submission based learning throughout their time in the educational system and extending into their working lives might be an unrealistic expectation. Instead, it may be more likely that as locales increasingly become defunct that the ubiquitous power mechanism will present itself in each such scenario in a zero sum game, as it has globally (acquiring more facets of total rule). The political apparatchik has replaced national consensus.

1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Your blog but it wouldn’t be on mine.

1 year ago

Although many are able and willing, sadly, most will do nothing until they have nothing to lose…this is what the communists are banking on…for when that time arrives, the shackles will already be placed upon a feckless populace.

1 year ago

Galatians 5:1
Read it.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

No matter what the world does, we (followers) are not enslaved.
This is what it means. The apostles were attacked and in prisoned in many ways yet they were not under the yoke of the world.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer was in prisoned and hanged, yet he was not under the yoke of slavery that this word has to offer.
we are to preserver and endure, and take heart He is within us.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

Tried to add: And no i am not saying to simply lay down and take it.

1 year ago

Have you seen this? Apparently the FBI will shoot and kill you now for dreaming.
Man killed in FBI raid after alleged threats against Biden, other officials (msn.com)

1 year ago

More: He was 75 years old and needed a cane to walk. Neighbors loved him.

1 year ago

No US troops would have been killed or wounded had they not invaded a country that did not attack us on 9/11. If they would have attacked Langley, Virginia and Ryadh, Saudi Arabia, at least they would have been going after the 9/11 scum. As a veteran myself, it irks me that we were lied to for decades.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

Nothing new under the sun.