We Are Failing Our Children And Allowing The Light Of Liberty To Be Extinguished.

When you see the daily headlines about how yet another convicted felon is back on the street and has committed yet another murder, you can thank George Soros for getting Commie DA’s into office, AND thank Donald Trump for putting Soros’ business partner Jared Kushner in charge of WH policy and pushing through the First Step Act. If Trump is put back into the WH, he will do even more lasting damage. Trump got more of Obama’s original agenda passed than the community organizer ever dreamed of, and Trump Cultists refuse to see that or to see that Trump put George Soros’ literal business partner in charge of his WH policy. Trump was a Trojan Horse to sneak in a globalist Agenda no Democrat President would have been able to pull off. And we cheered for all the wrong things, because he was “our guy”. Warp Speed anyone?

Brandon has labeled at least half of Americans a threat to the Nation and Domestic Terrorist and so far our only response is that we will win this battle at the ballot box. You have people like cocaine Mitch actively working against “Republicans” that are running for office because they are not his type of “Republicans”. But let us just “Vote Harder” and deny Mitch. Ignore the fact that nothing has been done to correct the previous stolen election. These communist have stolen our country and taken power. They now count the votes. It doesn’t matter how hard you vote. The only people that will be allowed to be “elected” will be those that TPTB approve.

Nothing matters anymore. The “government” will act however they want. We have political prisoners from January 6th rotting away in horrible conditions because we won’t stand. The “FBI” aka the KGB  is freely harassing TPTB political enemies. Our “elected officials” are openly lining their pockets with Ukraine. The ATF is changing definitions of legally purchased firearms and harassing law obiding citizens. The “Queer Agenda” is out in full force going after children. People are dropping at young ages for “no reason” and most people refuse to see that the “Government” has committed Genocide thru their “vax”. They dumbed down our society on purpose. They won’t stop. It makes no difference. We won’t stand.

We all know what needs to be done. We refuse to take that step. We all know there is no going back. We are failing our children and allowing the light of Liberty to be extinguished.

What’s called “Christianity” in America has been twisted and contaminated by Marxist thought so that its biblical principles have been used to destroy it, instead of destroying (in every sense of the Word) our enemies. That’s why our Christian Founders had no great spiritual angst about shooting their fellow Christian British in the face for our Liberty. But we try to “love” Communists and “turn the other cheek” to Marxists who want to castrate our sons and maim our daughters.

I am willing to do great and terrible things for the future of my children. I do not want to see them live as slaves or worse. But I can’t do these things alone.

The time for being peaceful is over. These communist are moving forward every day. They aim to eliminate us. Our founding fathers left us written instructions should this time ever come. Perhaps it’s time we fulfill their wishes.


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tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

It is way past that time, it seems almost surreal that they can do whatever they want and suffer no consequences. I will do whatever is necessary to remove these communists off the face of the earth.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley


Otis D
Otis D
2 years ago
robehr orinsky
robehr orinsky
2 years ago
Reply to  Otis D

Otis , Hilliard is of course a subdivision of Columbus the city famous for their queer community . I have lived my whole life out here in the rural hills of Ohio and I love this homestead we built with our own hands but this state is getting so bad we are considering a move south . I’m not good with unrelenting heat being of pure Irish blood so deep south is out of the question . Maybe West by Gawd or Tucky but the Buckeye has been ruined .

Scott Murray
Scott Murray
2 years ago

It is very unfortunate that our populous has been so dumbed down that we can’t or refuse to see what is going on before us. I have long called Donald Trump a Trojan horse. He indeed did a lot of damage to our once Great Nation. We need to face the fact that our country has been taken off of life support and the buzzards are circling the corpse.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago

Wes, I understand you frustration. However, nothing of any importance moves without leadership and organization. You cannot expect to defeat decades of plotting by evil ones to be dismantled by an unorganized and leadership less patriot group.
It is not fair to say we are failing our children. It our responsibility to try to awaken the masses. It is silly to think you can win a physical fight. They have used your tax dollars to have an unfair advantage over you. This is not 1776. Their weapons are bio, weather and financial.
I have not let my son down. You have not let your children down. However, I hurt for the hand these kids have been dealt. Life is not fair. I am responsible for me, not for millions who are corraled by bread and circuses.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

ok, but there were supposed to be things in place to prevent this. Either somebody let somebody down, or there was no way to prevent this.

If there was no way to prevent this, then peace itself is an illusion. A bad joke. A conceptual lie.

Which is it? Or have I overlooked something?

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Fido

Fido, thank for your honest questions. Just who was supposed to put “things in place?” Remember organization and leadership? We have underestimated what the powers that be have been doing. That’s one of the purposes of John Rockefeller’s “public schooling” push. People do not have critical thinking skills. Covid was a breathtaking example.
A good start is to research what country has an overwhelming disproportinate number of dual citizens in Congress. We can’t even get the truth out about who really pulled off 9/11 in 20 years. That takes organization and leadership from the evil empire. Kids today are told the same story we were told. They control the narrative.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

That dual citizenship is *allowed* in government is a clown show in it’s own right.

I’m thinking “controlling the narrative”, the “overton window”, and congitive “tricks” in general, have their limits in the comming absence of peace. I have serious doubts about “leadership” and “organization” having a significant role in the beginning of this shit show. Eventually, of course, but initially, it’s just going to be individuals defending themselves against violence, with violence. Then neighborhoods, etc. This doesn’t scale without organization, and that always seems promote leaders.

At the moment, any real leadership is either scuttled or infiltrated. This will start organically, and cascade as safety emerges from numbers. Then maybe leadership can emerge… but trust has been so thoroughly abused accross the board that this could take a great deal of time.

It goes kinetic with or without leadership. Self defense is not optional.

2 years ago
Reply to  Fido

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” -- John Adams. Who is responsible for maintaining our society as a “moral and religious” society?

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago

That is why it was crucial for the evil empire to get the churches put in chains via the 501c3 tax exempt status. LBJ was the big pusher of this. He wanted to be sure among other things that the pulpits wouldn’t object to the Vietnam war.
One has to look no further than the response to Covid by the ecumenical “leaders.” They followed the gubmint directive to close the churches. Then they went a step further and promoted their sheeple to get the jab.
Spiritual decay always leads to captivity and loss of freedom. The religious leaders of the day are the MOST responsible for the advancement of the evil empire.

2 years ago

I guess I see that as an individual responsibility. We promote that in others, especially our children, but we are only responsible for *achieving* in ourselves. We have free will, and can choose as we please… and then take responsibility for it. Kinda feels like a cop-out, but as I understand it, free will is everything… but then so is self-defense. I have not been able to find a “formula” that always produces the “right” response to any situation. Every situation must be considered anew, with deep reflection and genuine concern for all involved, love even, but one does not sacrifice the truth, even for life itself. You do not repeat the lie, and you do not vote for evil, even the lesser evil.

2 years ago

The one thing you have to come to grips with is that
the United States is going to go out with a whimper,
not a bang and there is nothing you can do at this point
to change that.
First off you have a population that has been steadily declining
intellectually since the 1950’s. The average Americans ability for
rationalized independent thought is no longer there.

Second, the Canaanites who rule this planet learned long ago
it’s easy to keep a populace docile by pharmakeia and brain
washing through the boob tube which now has devolved into
the handheld idiot device that 90% of the populace is glued to.

Third, only a little over 2% of the “men” in this country have
severed in the military which is a good barometer for how many
true patriots there are.
And yes, 6 years Semper Fi

There is nothing you or anyone else is going to do that is going to
change this counties preordained future. The best thing to do is to
is to make through to the other side so you can be there to a say in
the rebuilding processes.

This Empires epitaph has already been written ,

What were they thinking?


They weren’t!

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Dunner

Well written dose of reality!

Ol’guy I’m told
Ol’guy I’m told
2 years ago

This is what happens when The Enemy (D and R Communists, Socialists and these Humanist sympathizers) are allowed to Operate Open and Freely across the board in the Name of Democracy, America or whatever stupidity you choose to justify Allowing the Enemy to Operate.

And this has been going on for 50yrs anyway.

Differing opinions is one thing, Allowing Those that hate america to function is National Suicide.

Party’s over, time to pay for our Grandparents, our parents amd OUR Laziness and Fear.
Fear of what?? It aint rocket science.

Local Local Local.

The enemy serves 1 Purpose.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

Our children? If we are putting Yahweh First, we would do better to think of Him instead of our children.
Think of Abraham!
Preparing for Disaster
How many Bible verses and prophecies come to mind while viewing the following Video?
Is this coincidence that while mankind is bent on destroying itself and each other, our Creator has this in the wings?
This cycle has been part of creation for how long?
Perhaps there are better things to be doing in these days than salivating over killing each other and our vengeance?

Son Of Liberty
Son Of Liberty
2 years ago

As always Wes, you are absolutely correct. What is left to say.