We Are Heading Into Anarchy”: Official Says EU Will “Completely Break Down In 10 Days”

Norwegian PM Erna Solberg doesn’t want to have to skirt her country’s responsibilities under the Geneva Convention and she doesn’t want to trample over human rights either, but she will if she has to.

“It is a force majeure proposals which we will have in the event that it all breaks down,” Solberg said, in an interview with Berlingske, describing new measures she believes Norway may have to take if Sweden buckles under the weight of the refugee influx which saw some 163,000 asylum seekers inundate the country last year.

Solberg is effectively prepared to turn everyone away and go into lockdown mode should everything fall apart completely, causing Europe to descend into some kind of lawless, Hobbesian, free-for-all.

If that sounds far-fetched or hyperbolic consider that on Thursday, EU migration commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos warned that the bloc has just 10 days to implement a plan that will bring about “tangible and clear results on the ground” or else “the whole system will completely break down.”



Time will tell if this prediction is correct. Once the weather breaks in Europe, the games will begin and the immivasion will collapse the EU.

David DeGerolamo

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9 years ago

Looks like the invasion will be a success.

a follower
a follower
9 years ago

Going to be an interesting summer?

9 years ago

The framers of the Geneva Convention and Schengen Agreement never envisioned “refugees” being deliberately deployed as an act of war and aggression in and of itself.

But then again, they never envisioned a culture which would strap bombs to babies and use women as human shields and cannon fodder.

It’s a Brave New World. I can only hope that there are enough who can see the coming conflict for what it is.

9 years ago

this is the union that turned its head the other way while the terrorists in the PLO were using there children to strap on bombs and kill innocent people, they fed money into the PLO and many other terrorist states out of appeasement because this is what Bolshevik Marxists have done to every nation they have ruled in. now its coming back to them by the hand of God and they will fall, its just a matter of time now. As for us back here in the good ole U.S. A. we have gone down the same road by using, supporting and creating terrorist front groups such as ISIS/ISIL which are the same terrorist front groups. The State Department, CIA and Obama’s entire administration have much blood on there hands for the murdering of Christians in the Middle East, so we are going to fall the same way. All this is about to break loose in the U.S. because Obama has illegally brought into our nation in the middle of the night these Terrorists disguised as poor and down trodden migrants and is seeding the entire U.S. for these barbaric animals to strike at the American People. when they say peace and safety then sudden destruction will befall on us.

9 years ago

We will deal with the muslim horde, here. We are armed, and will be well motivated when the time comes. I only pray that Europe finds it’s spine in a timely fashion, or we may be called upon to Liberate Europe, once again.

…and I’m not confident we’ll be up to it, this time.