We Are Looking at the Collapse of the US Will


All that matters is nation building in order to line their pockets and destroy our Republic.

Although Lara Logan states that “we are looking at the collapse of the US will”, we are looking at the destruction of what was a moral Republic as most people here sit back and do nothing. Are you tired of hearing people say things will get better because they can’t get worse? Let me state unequivalently that they can get worse and they can get much worse.

So you have a choice: you can ignore this as doom and gloom propaganda OR you can prepare to start participating in the war that has already started in this country. And those options both presuppose that Russia, China, North Korea and/or Iran will not attack our country. Because that eventuality will show the consequences of a woke military, corrupt government and intelligence agencies whose agenda is the destruction of the country.

David DeGerolamo

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3 years ago

Thank you, David, for keeping this in the forefront. People don’t want to believe what’s happening -- they think “it can’t happen here” while it’s happening in front of their eyes. We all need to take action in some way or it’s over.

3 years ago

Deep State is in control not our elected officials…

gail jansen
gail jansen
3 years ago

There comes a point in any confrontation where it doesn’t matter what the opposition does or thinks. The only appropriate posture is to clear your mind, harden your heart and go for what you want… and the rest of creation be damned. We have been made so reasonable and so accepting that we have become stupid. It is time to lay any pretext of rationality or reasonableness aside. Actually, it needs to be thrown aside with great force and buried for a long, long time. It is time to be barbaric and love it.